Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Quick dinner recipes

Since I became a wifey almost 2 years ago (this May), I try to develop an enthusiastic attitude about cooking. Even if I didn't know how to cook (well) I've always been fond of eating! So that should count for something, right?

There are days when I wake up and more or less know what to prepare for our meals. Until I realize that I don't have all the necessary ingredients to cook the dish. That can be a bit frustrating. The next step would be to improvise or in my case experiment in the kitchen. After I check the food stock in the pantry and the refrigerator, I would go online and search for recipes.

The thing with the Internet is that there are a wide variety of websites that offer all sorts of recipes for every food category. They can be quite daunting and more often than not, I would be spending hours clicking on every recipe at my disposal. So much so that I would end up having a very late lunch of opened canned goods and instant soup just to fill my tummy. Heh! Then just cook some Quick dinner recipes for our supper.

Well I'm glad that so far so good in the experimenting department. Most of my cooked meals were edible and tasted quite delicious, if I may say so myself! Naturally there were quite a number of 'disasters' but we weren't poisoned or anything like that so we survived.

I guess I have the internet to thank for bombarding us first time kitchen denizens with a multitude of recipes. Naturally also thank the one person who has to bare my experiments - my hubby for being patient and kind enough to praise me for my cooking skills as well as the different recipes I concoct in the kitchen.

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