Wednesday, September 25, 2013

It has been a week ...

... Since the hubby and I got our new smartphones ... so I've been pretty lazy!

It was supposed to be my birthday gift to him because his old cellphone is barely functional.  But he tagged along so he could have a feel of how to operate it and if he could handle it with one hand and/or if it would fit his jeans pocket.

But I also ended up buying one for myself because they had a discount on 2nd item cash promo so voila we are now hopping onto the smartphone bandwagon.

No longer relics with chunky cellphones, we have moved into the android phone technology.  But they are just the basic versions not the expensive branded varieties yet they give us me so much joy I can hardly stop myself from playing all day and all night.

Thus a neglected blog situation. He he he


Kayni said...

i remember when i got my first android, i couldn't stop playing with it. it also makes it easier to keep in touch with everyone.

D@phneL@ur@ said...

Yes it is quite addictive pala.