Whenever someone mentions cigars, you naturally think of Cub@n dictator Fidel Castr0. Locally, former Philippine President Fidel Ram0s is often seen in public sporting a cigar as his trademark gesture. Traditionally, cigars are handed out when a couple welcome a newly born baby boy into their family.
Cigars are also great gift items for any occasion. They come in their own box and are easy to gift wrap. Over at CigarsDirect.com, they have a wide variety of cigars available which are sold exclusively, online. They offer everything from premium cigars, fine cigars to wholesale cigars all nicely showcased in clear visuals. They also provide cigar accessories like humidors, cigar cases, cutters and lighters.
Their extensive collection of a wide assortment of cigars is well presented in their easy to navigate website. An interactive portal with different interesting and informative sections about cigars. Their Cigar of the Month is the best way to sample the finest cigars available today in the market. Plus, all Cigar of the Month customers get 10% OFF any additional orders.
Be sure to drop by their Creative Cigar Stories section! You can submit your cigar story and get the chance to receive an Opus X humidor valued at over $1,000 in their contest. There are some great stories there, something for every cigar lover!
CigarsDirect.com offer prompt shipments and they guarantee to deliver fresh cigars at all cost. They are customer service oriented and you are ensured of good quality items at the most competitive prices available in the currently lucrative cigars market.
Cigars are also great gift items for any occasion. They come in their own box and are easy to gift wrap. Over at CigarsDirect.com, they have a wide variety of cigars available which are sold exclusively, online. They offer everything from premium cigars, fine cigars to wholesale cigars all nicely showcased in clear visuals. They also provide cigar accessories like humidors, cigar cases, cutters and lighters.
Their extensive collection of a wide assortment of cigars is well presented in their easy to navigate website. An interactive portal with different interesting and informative sections about cigars. Their Cigar of the Month is the best way to sample the finest cigars available today in the market. Plus, all Cigar of the Month customers get 10% OFF any additional orders.
Be sure to drop by their Creative Cigar Stories section! You can submit your cigar story and get the chance to receive an Opus X humidor valued at over $1,000 in their contest. There are some great stories there, something for every cigar lover!
CigarsDirect.com offer prompt shipments and they guarantee to deliver fresh cigars at all cost. They are customer service oriented and you are ensured of good quality items at the most competitive prices available in the currently lucrative cigars market.