Friday, September 27, 2024

National Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall

We reached the Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall at around 4:30 PM, after a late lunch at a mall for some last minute pasalubong shopping. It was still warm and in that vast space there is no hiding from the rays of the sun. But we soldiered on because it was our last day in Taipei City so we basked in the historical, cultural and architectural wonders of this popular tourist attraction.

Built on a former army headquarters, this national monument was built in 1976 after the passing of Chiang Kai-Shek in 1975 and was formally opened to the public in April 1980. The octagonal shaped, white and blue tiles on the roof of the memorial hall represents the colors of the Taiwan flag.  It stands 70 meters in height with two sets of 89 (his age at the time of his death) white stairs leading to the entrance. Inside is a giant statue of Chiang seated and behind is an engraved selection of some of his personal commentary.

The National Concert Hall and National Theater are also located within the memorial park grounds surrounded by lush gardens with benches for families to enjoy the outdoors. An impressive archway entrance in the distinct white and blue tiles welcomes visitors from 9 A.M to 5 P.M, daily. Free entrance.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall

No visit to Taipei is complete without visiting the memorial halls of their esteemed leaders/founders. On our last whole day in Taiwan, we had a full breakfast then checked out of our hotel at 11 A.M. We left our pieces of luggage in the lobby then headed to the National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall. The hall dedicated to the national founder of the Republic of China (Taiwan) was built in 1972 to commemorate his 100th birthday.

You won't get lost because there is a MRT station aptly named Sun Yat-sen Memorial hall so it is easily accessible. Just a few minutes walk from the station, you will reach the Chungsan park with the memorial hall in the center amidst willow trees, a lush garden with flowers and a small man made lake known as the Emerald Pond. 

February 2024, the memorial hall was closed for renovation and is expected to re-open in 2026. So unfortunately, we were not able to see the gallery/museum, the lecture hall and auditorium. We just explored the wide complex, using a tiny umbrella to protect us from the noon blazing sun and high humidity levels, with the towering Taipei 101 providing an excellent backdrop.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Tamsui in New Taipei City, Taiwan

Just a few steps away from the British consular residence is a small pathway which led us to the campus of Aletheia University, formerly known as the Oxford College. It was founded in 1892 by Dr. George Leslie Mackay, the first Presbyterian missionary to Northern Taiwan. The Canadian Presbyterian missionary is well revered in Taiwan for his vast contributions in the fields of religion, healthcare and education. Oxford College was Taiwan's first modern school.

Bust of Dr. Mackay

Garden in Aletheia University

Aletheia University

original Oxford College

Tamsui Oxford University College

  Cross shaped flower clock built in 1969 to mark
the 50th anniversary of Aletheia University

It was already past 5:30 P.M when we were done touring the Fort San Domingo environs. We wanted to go to Hobe Fort which according to google maps is about 5 minutes away via bus. We alighted at the Hobe Fort bus stop but got lost and couldn't find it. Since we had a 8 P.M. reservation at Mala Hot Pot in the Xinyi district we snapped a few photos near the river before we headed back to the Tamsui MRT station. There are other cultural, historical and tourist attractions to explore in Tamsui, unfortunately we did not have enough time.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Fort San Domingo, Tamsui Taipei

Fort San Domingo, Tamsui
Tuesday - Sunday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Admission fee: NT$ 80.00

Fort San Domingo is a historical fortress built in 1628 by the Manila based Spanish East Indies of the Spanish Empire. It was originally made of wood. 

In 1642, the Dutch colonized Northern Taiwan,  drove out the Spanish forces and built a new fort. Fort Antonio named after Anthony Van Diemen, the viceroy of the Dutch East India Company was completed in 1646. The fort which still stands today was nicknamed "Hong Moa Chen" by the local Chinese inhabitants meaning "Red Hair Fortress" in reference to the Dutch people who they called 'red hair savages'.

Nearby is the former British consular residence, a Victorian style house with some Chinese elements constructed in 1891 when the British government leased the fort. 

Our hotel is located about two blocks away from the Daan MRT station. The MRT ride from Daan station to the last stop in the Tamsui - Xinyi line is about 50 minutes. From Tamsui MRT station, we took bus R26 to alight at the Fort San Domingo stop. The bus route is on narrow roads, passing by small commercial establishment built along the Tamsui River. 

We used our Taipei FunPASS so we entered for FREE. There is a steep walk/ramp to get to the fort area. It can also be reached by a flight of stairs which I unfortunately chose to go up. I left sister dearest down because she has difficulty climbing stairs due to her foot injury. Unbeknownst to me though, she asked the friendly staff if there is an easier way to go up. They volunteered to drive her using a small buggy.  I was all sweaty and running out of breath from climbing those really steep flight of stairs and here she comes up beep beep beep in a buggy! LOL

Entrance to Fort San Domingo, Tamsui

Fort San Domingo with the flags of the different 'occupiers'

The British consul's residence

Interiors of the British consul's residence

Inside the British consul's residence

The British consul's residence

scenic view of the Tamsui river from the fort

side view of the British consul's residence