Friday, March 22, 2013

Worlds apart

This week, summer officially started here in this part of the globe.  Highest recorded temperature so far was 34.6 degrees Celsius. It is expected to be a scorching summer.  So far, it rains occasionally in this neighborhood so the heat dissipates for a few hours then humidity sets in.

Certainly not my fave season but heck we only have 2 of them so I just drink plenty of water and try to grin and bear it sporting my 'wet' look as I shed buckets of sweat!

So while I'm perspiring, my dear sister is currently experiencing below zero temperatures with snow to boot. She is in Gdansk, Poland for a trade fair.  I've never been to Eastern Europe because it was still under Communist rule when my father was assigned in Belgium, 3 decades ago.

As I sit here looking at these pictures she sent me through email, it makes this humidity somewhat bearable. Feasting my eyes on snow filled attractions in a far flung land eases my discomfort.



Heart of Rachel said...

It's amazing how weather can be the total opposite in some parts of the world. Sometimes I wish it was possible to share some of the heat so that others can send us some of that cold breeze.

It's only the start of summer but the heat is already becoming unbearable. I don't think hubby will be happy when our electric bill arrives. haha!

Photo Cache said...

How's the summer going? Travels this holy week?

D@phneL@ur@ said...

Rach that would great if we could exchange climates. hehe

I'm definitely not a summer person, too pawisin and too broke to afford an aircon so double woes! Ugh.

D@phneL@ur@ said...

Heat is unbearable but that's summer for you here in this tropical paradise.

My sister is coming home for the holy week so I'm staying at the condo. :)