Monday, February 12, 2024

Blogging in the New Year

I forgot how much time it took to compose just one post in the blogging world. LOL

The whole process of sorting though tons of pictures to choose the appropriate ones, doing some research/background information on the places we visited. Captioning the pictures, resizing them so it would fit within the post. Constant previewing, editing the text before finally hitting the publish button.

The whole gamut is exhausting.

My 50 something brain is no longer wired as it was before when I was very active in posting, daily. Now after a few minutes (let's say about 20 - 25 minutes of sorting through pictures), I tend to slack off and move on to other things like reading, watching Netflix (don't get me started on how many movies, TV shows I've started and never finished. LOL) cooking, washing the dishes, doing laundrty ... you get the idea.

One thing, I'm glad I have not lost interest in is maintaining my exercise routine. I alternately walk in the mornings then the next day I do aerobics at home. Walk for about 10 -15 minutes around the neighborhood. Amidst tall skyscrapers, there is a small patch of greenery where other like minded people jog, walk, do stretching exercises. While my aerobics regime varies on the time of day - if it is before lunch, I do 30 minutes of cardio and during afternoons, I do 45 minutes of aerobics.

After my TAHBSO surgery in March 2023, I was advised by my OB-GYN to resume exercising by June 2023. But I still was not up to it so I postponed it to October, then kept postponing because of various reasons like we had to move residence, sheer laziness, numerous check up for my hyperthyroidism condition.

December 2023, I could not keep it off any longer becauseI couldn't find anything to wear as most of my clothes didn't fit me LOL. I didn't feel comfortable wearing any of my clothes. I resorted to wearing really loose tops and gartered shorts/pants. I had constant lower back pain, joints were swollen but all my doctors said the same thing - lose weight, get more vitamin D (sunlight) and exercise, exercise and exercise.

Okay fine.

January 2024 after we had more or less settled in our new place. The Yuletide season was over, I overindulged as usual so I forced myself to get out of bed early and start moving. A month or so later, I am still a huge work in progress. It is really difficult. But at least, a FEW of my clothes are starting to fit again. My main motivation is to fit in my previous clothes so I NEVER bought new ones. 

As the Wood Dragon ushered in the Lunar New Year (February 10, 2024) and even though I am not Chinese, the start of anything new (be it a new year, a new residence or new love) is always a good start for us to hope for the best. Here's to new beginnings, new hopes and new aspirations!!! =]


Yesterday, February 11, 2024 there was an impromptu renewal of vows after the 12 noon Mass at the Padre Pio Chapel in Edsa Shangri-la Mall. Well, I say impromptu because we had no idea but Father Anton called for all married couples to face each other and reaffirm our wedding vows. It was solemn, totally unexpected but glad we were able to take part in such a sacred ritual. 💖


Photo Cache said...

Oh yeah, it's harder and harder to compose a post nowadays. That's why when the mood strikes me, I write multiple posts so that I have something in the draft folder. Keep it up.

D@phneL@ur@ said...

Just composing one post is hard enough and time consuming. I cannot come up with multiple posts LOL