Sunday, June 23, 2024

3 years

Today June 23, 2024 marks the 3rd death anniversary of my Dad.

I can still distinctly remember the tragic incident which led to his sudden demise.

It was a Wednesday morning when my hubby dropped me off at the condo.

My sister was working from home downstairs.

I went up to get some items and documents I needed.

Dad was on his way up the stairs when he lost his grip on the handrail and fell backwards 4 steps above the floor.

At first I thought he was okay and ran down the flight of stairs to help him up.

My sister also rushed from her work desk to his side.

He was unconscious and lying flat on his back.

We both screamed as blood start pouring out of the back of his head, forming a puddle on the floor.

I tried calling on the landline for an ambulance but there was no dial tone.

So I ran out of the unit to the elevator to go to the lobby and asked the guard to call an ambulance.

When I ran back up to our unit, my sister was performing CPR on Dad’s chest trying to revive him.

By then, blood was gushing out of his nose, his mouth but my sister didn’t give up.

When the ambulance came, they too tried to revive Dad.

We rode in the ambulance with our bloodied clothes and I could hear the medic trying her best to get a faint pulse.

Dad died in the ER of the hospital where Mommy passed away three months earlier.

To date, it remains the most traumatic event of our lives.

I had really violent nightmares for days even months after we experienced losing Dad in such a tragic manner.

Three years have passed but I still haven’t been able to set foot in the condo without getting the chills and I have to do everything in my power not to relive that traumatic incident.

There are more good days now than terrible days, thankfully.

I know with God’s divine grace and mercy, we will be okay.

My fervent prayer is that Dad’s soul may rest in God’s eternal peace.

And also that Mommy has forgiven me and my sister for not keeping our promise to her that we take good care of Dad.

I miss them both, terribly!


Photo Cache said...

I'm so sorry you had to go through this trauma. I can only imagine how terrible it must have been for you and your sister. Hugs.

D@phne L@ur@ said...

Thank you. As I said there are good and bad days. I try to be strong but the ache and pain lingers.