Monday, June 10, 2024

Life pondering question at the dental clinic

First of all, I had no idea that getting a root canal (well in this country) means several sessions at the dental clinic. The first consultation was like a refresher course with basically the dentist telling me what the whole process entails. The succeeding sessions were all about me being lock jawed with my mouth open for about 45 minutes to an hour as the dentist drilled, poked, cleaned the deep recesses of my teeth. Both root canals are done but I still have two teeth extractions and setting of dental crowns to go. I'm taking a month long break before I can have these dental procedures done. 

It was my first time at this dental clinic so the female dentist probably to break the ice asked me about myself. Actually, she asked if I was alone and if I would have to drive myself home. I told her no, my husband is with me, he's out window shopping while I subjected myself to two root canals. 

To my surprise, when she found out that I had no children, she asked me point blank if we ever considered adopting a child. My answer is no, never entered my mind. My usual answer is that we were already in our 40s when we got married. Then when pressed that some women nowadays give birth even in their 40s, I go with my standard "" reply.

This is the first time, anyone actually mentioned the adoption option. Frankly, as I told her, it never entered my mind. So after the session, over an early dinner at some Chinese restaurant where I ate using the right side of my mouth, I asked D if adoption ever entered his mind. He was dumbfounded and almost choked on his spinach seafood soup that I would just blurt out this life pondering question. I narrated that it was the dentist who asked me. His answer: She is too nosy and should mind her own business. 

Frankly, unlike the hubby, I didn't take offense with her line of questioning because at this stage of my life, I am in a much better place when it comes to being a childless married couple. I can't emphasize enough that we are fine and have accepted it wholeheartedly. 

But as D had not yet answered the question, I prodded him more. His reply: No, not really. Hmm not a definitive and explicit NO. So this didn't sit well with me. LOL I kept pressing him as we ate Yang Chow fried rice and fish fillet with tausi sauce. Probably to stop me from badgering him incessantly, he told me I should not let anyone, lest of all a dentist ever dictate or question our life decisions.

Point taken, I rest my case, your Honor!


Photo Cache said...

I sympathize with you and I feel you. We are on the same situation. It's really tough to face these kind of questions.

D@phne L@ur@ said...

I feel that it is such a personal question to ask someone whom you don't really know at all. I'm fine now but if she or anyone for that matter had asked me several years ago, perhaps my answer would have been different. I don't like second guessing myself so let's leave it at that.