Monday, August 05, 2024


Sunday visit to the parents @ Loyola Sucat
This past week, we received sad news that a nephew of D collapsed and died. He was only 50 years old. It was quite a shock because we had no idea he was sick or had any lingering disease.

Saturday, we went to his wake. A reunion of relatives we hardly have time to socialize with but only keep in touch through social media posts. A glimpse here and there of what is going on with each other's lives.

Unfortunately nowadays, a wake or a funeral is the only way families, relatives and friends get to see each other. We wanted to stay longer for more 'chikahan' but San Jose del Monte is about 2 hours drive away from our place. The weather is quite unpredictable, we left Bulacan by 4 PM to avoid traveling on unknown provincial roads by night fall. We have a love and hate relationship with Waze, it keeps directing us to tiny dead end roads. Goodness.

It makes us realize just how short life is. That we are on borrowed time. We need to make each moment count. Enjoy each waking minute. Be grateful for life. Be grateful for good health. Be grateful for a roof over our heads. Be grateful for small victories. Be grateful for abundance. Basta, just be grateful. 

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