Friday, August 23, 2024

National Palace Museum, Taipei (part 2)

National Palace Museum
Tuesdays to Sundays
9:00 AM - 5:00PM
Admission Fee: 350.00 NT$

This sprawling museum with numerous exhibit halls houses one of the world's largest permanent collection of Chinese art works and artifacts. These priceless trove of paintings, calligraphy works, jade carvings, porcelain wares,  weaponry among others date all the way back to the Song, Ming and Qing dynasties. 

Majority of these treasures were moved from Beijing's Forbidden City during the start of the Chinese Revolution and the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 into safe houses in Southern China.

Due to the continuous conflict between the Nationalist and the Communist ideologists, the most valuable pieces of the collection were moved to Taiwan in 1949. The current National Palace Museum in Taipei was opened in 1965.


Photo Cache said...

I've been enjoying museum visits lately. Although my untrained eye cannot differentiate between the bowls of Africa and say Greece for instance. All of them looked the same to me.

D@phne L@ur@ said...

I cannot claim to distinguish any artifacts either. LOL I am more in awe that they are able to preserve all these items from the glorious past. It must take a huge effort and vast amount of resources to do preservation.