Thursday, November 28, 2013


Despite the health woes as well as some glitches in our best laid plans, my family has a lot to be thankful for during these harsh times.  Times plagued by both natural and man made disasters. 

I know I complain a lot about this and that stuff which irritates me yet I am also fully aware that I am blessed abundantly with both material and non material wealth.

I just wanted to put it out there or in this case on my blog that I am blessed in more ways than one.  I am eternally grateful and thankful for it.  =)

Friday, November 22, 2013


I spent the weekend at this mall which used to be my fave hangout during my single days. Its proximity to my previous residence was a great convenience. Plus their cinemas were so posh and a comfortable venue to watch the latest blockbusters.

This year they have adapted a more somber yet elegant vibe to their Christmas decors. Tones of blue permeate the ambiance of the mall.

Anyway I was there to accompany my Dad as he went for one week rehab or physical therapy for his knees. He had a misstep a week ago and since then his knees have been painful. He walks slower and his movements are limited. 

I can just imagine how such a joint pain can be quite a discomfort for him. He is quite an active person as he exercises regularly. 

To see my father in pain totally breaks my heart and I often find myself crying as I pray for his full recovery.  When it comes to my family I tend to get highly emotional.

We remain hopeful that the rehab as well as the ointment and pain relievers would yield positive results.

That would certainly be at the top of my Christmas wish list, this year.  

Thursday, November 21, 2013


I've been married now for 5 years and 6 months yet I can't bring myself to blog in front of my hubby. Although he is aware I have 2 blogs I've told him not to read them. This is fine by him since he has other interests which doesn't include reading blogs.  

I usually take a while to compose an entry although the main topic is at hand (in my mind) I tend to write then edit the draft several times before I click the 'publish' button. 

You see in this household, our computers are located at a perpendicular angle.  This means I am facing the wall while D is at my back facing the other wall.  Ergo I cannot see what he is doing while he is at his computer while he can merely turn to his right and can read what's on my monitor.   Perhaps this 'disadvantage' is the reason I am not at ease as he can easily just turn and read what I'm up to. 

I am more of a silent/quiet type so I like to do my online activities in complete silence. This way I can concentrate more even though I got like several browsers all open at once.  While every few seconds, he would comment out loud on topics he reads online. This lil gesture can really irritate me especially when I have my earphones on while watching my fave TV shows on my PC and he would tap my shoulders because he wants to share some inane matter he saw online.

I know ... I know ... I'm being silly when he just wants to keep the communication lines open .... but to disturb my internet time is tantamount to talking out loud during Sunday mass sermon time!

Thankfully I found a solution! Nowadays I rely on my smartphone using wifi to connect online during his off days and on weekends. This way, we are both at peace.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


It seems rather foolish and selfish for me to mop and fuss over a cancelled vacation when there is too much devastation and misery in the Visayas Region after super typhoon Yolanda struck last November 8, 2013.

But yes I am still totally bummed over it especially when our renewed passports were delivered the day after the storm struck. In fact I had forgotten about it when the messenger knocked at the gate. 

D and I have also been quite sick this past week. There isn't much to do but stay in bed coughing and sniffing (from the colds) as we watch all the coverage of the media networks of the deluge that claimed so much lives and caused so much destruction.  It is beyond belief yet there it is as clear as day flashing across the TV screen on a daily basis. 

Whole towns wiped out, dead bodies scattered all over amidst the tons of debris that is lining up the streets.  One cannot really make much sense of what unfolded in such a vast region.  It is depressing, heartbreaking and it puts many things into a broader perspective.

We are sad, we are torn and then we are angry at how little the national as well as the local government units seem to be doing to alleviate the miserable and deplorable situation of the survivors.  You get on social media and you are bombarded with all these links, comments and photos of the suffering going on in these parts of the nation and your heart breaks more and more.  

Of course, we are all eternally grateful for the amount of donation and assistance that is flooding our shores both from local and international sources.  We are all overwhelmed with the enormity of the disaster as well as the logistical operations involved into putting some sense of normalcy in the lives of those affected.  Yet our hearts also warm up to the generosity and kindness of individuals as well as organizations/ foundations that are willing to help in any way they can.

I end this post by typing the Serenity Prayer which I believe seems appropriate in times of crisis.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.


Friday, November 08, 2013


This article just made me sad. It probably means we have to cancel our trip. I don't really know what it entails. I am still confused about what our options are at this point.

The weather is really bad as the Visayas region is currently being battered by supertyphoon Yolanda. It is expected to hit the NCR this afternoon or tonight. So this bad news doesn't help to cheer up our dampened spirits.

I do understand their measure to impose these sanctions. Truth be told the moron (I did not vote for him) who leads our embattled country is to blame not only for this incident but the messy crisis we are currently experiencing. I know I sound bitter and for sure I am indignant about this restriction because it involves me and my family personally. But I am also concerned for the thousands of Filipino workers whose livelihood would be affected by these economic sanctions.

At least, I do care which cannot be said for the haciendero who continues to mismanage our nation with his ineptitude!

May the good Lord bless us all.

Monday, November 04, 2013

Plan B

When I was still single, I was quite meticulous when it comes to planning.  I'd have everything ironed out months before the actual trip. 

Then I got married. :D

Much to my regret, I've somehow changed in my outlook towards well almost everything, I'd suppose.  Part of the blame would be my hubby who isn't much of a planner. He is pretty much the last minute sort of guy who throws in everything in a suitcase and throws caution to the wind.  Or let me rephrase that he would throw everything towards me! So I have to make all the necessary arrangements as well as the itinerary during the trip.

My single self would certainly relish this bequeathed role but my married self abhors it.  I know it doesn't make sense but strangely it is how it has been the past 5 years of my married life.

This is the main reason why I said in the comments section of my previous post that I don't find the planning part quite exciting, anymore.  It stresses me out that *I* have to do everything!!!

Therefore it didn't come as much of a surprise when we hit a snag in our planning stage. It actually was sort of looming but I never expected it to hit us this late in our preparations. Of course, despite my complaints I am still hoping the trip will push through. If only for the sake of my parents who are this early quite excited about spending the holidays in a colder climate. 

So I'm keeping my fingers (my toes as well) crossed. And pray we push through even though the stress factor would be at the highest level possible for me to handle. So help me, Lord!