Friday, May 08, 2015


Nobu Hotel, City of Dreams Manila
Yes I'm still around!

Coping with the intense heat which is something I don't really cherish.

I take three sometimes four showers a day because my active sweat glands are firing on all cylinders. 

So I find the least warm place in my humble abode and try to entertain myself as beads of sweat march down my back, my forehead and well basically just be a ball of sweat!

Downstairs with my laptop on the dining table along with the rice cooker in one corner and my bottled water on a coaster, I do my online tasks. 

I'm grateful for a laptop I can take anywhere, my current 'obsession' is to read eBooks online. But since I am cheap I settle at the free section or opt for the one month free trial version. In essence, it is a good thing since I get to accelerate my reading speed as I have one month to read as many books as I possibly can.

Late evenings, it is movies time for me as I have a long list of films to watch stored on my hard drive. 

Just a short update to give a shout out to my very few readers, yes I'm still here doing my best to survive summer 2015.  I'm doing what I love best so I guess I can't really whine, that much! =)


Kayni said...

No matter what I do, I just can't read stuff online or e-books. I still prefer a good old book.

Yes, I still remember how hot it could get there. I nearly fainted when I visited in 2006. We were in Intramuros touring and it was so hot.

Photo Cache said...

I bought 2 bagful of books from local library's annual booksale ($2/bag) and I think I'm all set. I prefer the book than ebook, old school I guess. I'm currently reading a Robert Ludlum.

D@phne L@ur@ said...

Kayni I always fall asleep nowadays when I read a book hehe So with reading online on my laptop, I need to sit up properly to read thus eliminating my chances of falling asleep.

Temperatures are a whooping 36 degrees Celsius + the stifling humidity. Not a good combination. :(

D@phne L@ur@ said...

Photo Cache - if books cost only 2 pesos here I would surely buy more and fill my library with them. That's why I source for free eBooks, coz I'm cheap like that heheheh