Thursday, May 28, 2020


 I came across this quote on someone's FB page. 

I believe it is hugely applicable to my life.

More specifically my married life.

We all know I didn't get what I passionately prayed for.


Instead, my hubby got several promotions.

I have become a stronger person.

We went on several road trips.

Traveling is in my blood.

I was only 4 years old.

The first time I rode on a plane.


Yes, this quote is indeed true.

I'm glad I came across it.

It gave me an idea for a short post.



Kayni said...

Sometimes, I get so caught up with the things/opportunities I didn't get. This quote says a lot, and I really should learn to let go. It's hard for me sometimes.

Photo Cache said...

That is so true. But as humans we are so limited in our focus.