Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Sound of Silence

I live in an apartment complex with four doors.

We have one common gate for all the tenants.

Ours in the one nearest to the gate.

So you can imagine how noisy it is when someone opens the gate.

The newest neighbor moved into the second door, around February, this year.

A married couple with a young son.

The wife works so she is not home during the day.

The husband stays home and takes care of the kid.

The precocious kid is very noisy.

Of course, you would say kids are naturally noisy.

But I know of other kids who are well behaved.

They don't talk back at adults.

They always use 'po'.

But this kid is different.

He interrupts conversations.

When my hubby was talking to our landlord near the gate.

The brat shouted at the top of his voice 'what are you talking about?'.

In the vernacular, naturally.

In short, the kid is very irritating.

All day, he is out of his house.

Screams, shouts and roams around in his little toy car.

But I understand, he is a kid.

What I cannot comprehend is the father.

He is the adult.

He should be the one disciplining his child.


No, he doesn't.

Sometimes, he joins in the screaming session of his kid.

I am really upset that our new neighbors have no respect.

Respect for other neighbors' privacy.

Respect for the tranquility of the place.

Just plain respect.

We have lived in this place for 12 years now.

Only now that I feel the urge to move to another place.

But we are still saving.



So may Lord have mercy

I need loads of patience.

Because I work from home.

I need the silence.

Or else I cannot concentrate.

My beast mode is raring to go out.

But I need to stop myself.

So help me, God!


Photo Cache said...

So sorry for this new development or irritation. I hope that the landlord will intervene. Ang hirap nyan.

D@phneL@ur@ said...

We told the landlord and he said that we should be more tolerant. After all, it is a kid. So useless complaining. I've started looking for vacancies but as it is pandemic time, not so easy to move around.