Thursday, September 12, 2024

Twenty three

Whenever I see tributes or memorials about 9/11 in the news, I am reminded that the month of September also marks the 'anniversary' of our return to the home base, for good.

August 2001 at the age of 65, Dad retired from the foreign service after 40 years as a government employee. His career led us to live in different countries every 3 to 4 years, experience various culture, learn new languages, travel to neighboring nations. It was tough, really. Uprooting everything and assimilating anew. But our family is eternally grateful for those memorably blessed years.

After we had packed everything into boxes, hired the 'lift van' as it is called in the foreign service, we headed home via Singapore in September 2001. I remember that Dad had to stay a few days more in Dubai, UAE for some last minute paper work.  

I always seem to forget the exact dates but suffice to say, I was really emotional and upset about leaving Dubai. I've also forgotten how many days we spent in Singapore, which hotel we stayed in, which attractions we visited. It was and still is such a blur.

You see back then I was in a sort of stable relationship and the idea of evolving into a LDR was terrifying. I knew it wasn't feasible but at the same time I wasn't totally giving up. Somehow positive that it would work, or maybe I was delusional. Whatever it was, back then I was a total wreck. Well it lasted for about 2 more years before I decided it was a lost cause. My phone bills was making me bankrupt and he didn't keep his end of the 'bargain' so fine, let's just end it and move on.

So let's backtrack away from the sob story!

September 11, 2001 past 9 P.M. after dinner, I was watching TV when the twin towers in New York City was attacked. We were all in shock! We were living in a rented three bedroom condo unit somewhere in Mandaluyong. It was a temporary set up as we needed a place to stay while we waited for the lift van to arrive with all our belongings. 

I was 32 years old about to turn 33 with no job prospects, a failing relationship, missing my friends but tried to stay positive that everything will turn out for the better.

Fast forward to 2024, it has been 23 years. 

I'm married now for 16 years and counting yet childless. 

3 years ago, I lost both my parents in a scan of less than 3 months.

If you asked me 23 years ago if this is the life I always wanted for myself.

I'd say yes, with maybe a few tweaks here and there.


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