Friday, February 18, 2011

Life oh life!

The year was 2001 and we just came back to Manila for good. Dad had retired from the foreign service. It was time to finally dig in and grow roots. I was at this major crossroads. Yet I had no idea what I wanted to do. After moving from one country to another. Changing schools. Making and then losing friends. Romantic involvement turned into an instant long distance relationship. I was suddenly faced with a sense of permanence. It was turmoil.

After I dusted myself and adjusted to the tropical and humid weather, I was 'encouraged' to take up a website design short term course. And short term it was in every aspect. I went through a heartbreak. I got lost on my way to a web designer career path. I was uninspired. I actually got really depressed. My soul was broken. I was a total bum.

But we all know that such is life. It has its really low downs. It also has its ultimate highs. So like a phoenix rising from the ashes, I've been reborn. Meeting and marrying my hubby has been quite a blessing. I am now content. I've found my joie de vivre. Even though I am still my cynical and sarcastic self, at least now I can share my pluses as well as my flaws with my life partner.

Buhay nga naman parang life! :D

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