Stormy Wednesday afternoon
Gusty winds and a heavy downpour wreaking havoc outside, here I am answering memes while listening to Y!M LaunchCast Radio blaring out "Big hits of the 70s". Songs which are older than some of the guys I dated in the past. LOL
Wednesday Matinee
Can't be a hero without tights...
1. What's your favorite superhero movie?
Robin Hood: Men in Tights
2. Which actor would you like to see as a superhero?
Johnny Depp!
3. Which actor do you think would make a good villain?
Antonio Banderas
~Crazy Experiment Bonus~ What book or comic would you like to see made into a movie?
Dilbert starring Drew Carey
Wednesday Whatevers
1. Does time pass by too quickly?
2. Can money buy happiness?
3. Is freedom of speech a privilege or a right?
A right
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breaths away.
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Wednesday Mind Hump
Today is Meteorite Day commemorating the 1908 meteorite crash in Central Siberia which caused the largest explosion in recorded history. As a warm-up and in observance of Meterorite Day, using the letters E-X-P-L-O-S-I-O-N list some odd habits or quirks you have. *Note: You can use "ex" for the "x"
Xray Vision (I wish!)
Loves "Westlife"
Obsessed with Royalty
Sleeps only 4 hours (not necessarily at night)
Insanely Beautiful (Wishful thinking)
Ogles at 'eye candy'
Naughty but can be nice upon request
Warmed up? Okie dokie. Don't just sit there like a bump on a log, go copy and paste the hump on your blog!
01. You have the opportunity to make a movie with your favorite star, who would the star be and what would the title and the sub-title be? Example: Richard Dreyfuss :: Jaws :: Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water
Johnny Depp :: Pirates of the Caribbean :: No, I am not a gay pirate, period!
02. The lead story on the Eleven O'Clock News is about you ... what have you done?
A sleep deprived woman was seen walking around Megamall. The said woman was dressed only in her green flannel pajamas and orange fluffy slippers. When accosted by policemen, she lies down on the floor and falls asleep instantly!
03. Blue laws are absolutely ridiculous laws that are still in law books across the nation. Example: In Devon, Connecticut, it is unlawful to walk backwards after sunset. Pick something that annoys the heck out of you and write the law against it.
People who talk incessantly at the movie theaters. Offenders will be ejected upward from their seats and have their head pasted to the ceiling and their mouth wrapped with a masking tape.
04. If you were in the story Alice In Wonderland, what character would you be and why?
Alice because I like meeting quirky characters.
05. If it did make a sound, what sound would your head make when you shake it?
The sound of a clock ticking away which in fact is my biological clock! Crikey!!
aaaaaand ... drum roll, please
Everyone had so much fun with the Guess-A-Hump last week we've decided to try it again!
Think of an item ... don't tell us what the item is. Now, describe that item in brief paragraph (the size, the color, etc) but don't give it away. Okay, now you're ready to hump it up. Replace the name of the item with the word "hump". Other players will come to your blog and try to guess what your hump is. If you want to make it really interactive, let people ask yes or no questions. Tomorrow morning, post the answer to your hump and for big fun add a picture. If you don't have a camera do a Google image search.
My hump is blue. My hump has 2 hands and it is battery operated. My hump is round with an intricate design.
Today is Meteorite Day commemorating the 1908 meteorite crash in Central Siberia which caused the largest explosion in recorded history. As a warm-up and in observance of Meterorite Day, using the letters E-X-P-L-O-S-I-O-N list some odd habits or quirks you have. *Note: You can use "ex" for the "x"
Xray Vision (I wish!)
Loves "Westlife"
Obsessed with Royalty
Sleeps only 4 hours (not necessarily at night)
Insanely Beautiful (Wishful thinking)
Ogles at 'eye candy'
Naughty but can be nice upon request
Warmed up? Okie dokie. Don't just sit there like a bump on a log, go copy and paste the hump on your blog!
01. You have the opportunity to make a movie with your favorite star, who would the star be and what would the title and the sub-title be? Example: Richard Dreyfuss :: Jaws :: Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water
Johnny Depp :: Pirates of the Caribbean :: No, I am not a gay pirate, period!
02. The lead story on the Eleven O'Clock News is about you ... what have you done?
A sleep deprived woman was seen walking around Megamall. The said woman was dressed only in her green flannel pajamas and orange fluffy slippers. When accosted by policemen, she lies down on the floor and falls asleep instantly!
03. Blue laws are absolutely ridiculous laws that are still in law books across the nation. Example: In Devon, Connecticut, it is unlawful to walk backwards after sunset. Pick something that annoys the heck out of you and write the law against it.
People who talk incessantly at the movie theaters. Offenders will be ejected upward from their seats and have their head pasted to the ceiling and their mouth wrapped with a masking tape.
04. If you were in the story Alice In Wonderland, what character would you be and why?
Alice because I like meeting quirky characters.
05. If it did make a sound, what sound would your head make when you shake it?
The sound of a clock ticking away which in fact is my biological clock! Crikey!!
aaaaaand ... drum roll, please
Everyone had so much fun with the Guess-A-Hump last week we've decided to try it again!
Think of an item ... don't tell us what the item is. Now, describe that item in brief paragraph (the size, the color, etc) but don't give it away. Okay, now you're ready to hump it up. Replace the name of the item with the word "hump". Other players will come to your blog and try to guess what your hump is. If you want to make it really interactive, let people ask yes or no questions. Tomorrow morning, post the answer to your hump and for big fun add a picture. If you don't have a camera do a Google image search.
My hump is blue. My hump has 2 hands and it is battery operated. My hump is round with an intricate design.
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Tuesday is Chooseday
Would you rather:
1. be constipated for a week at a time and only poop on Fridays OR have to go pee every hour on the hour?
Pee every hour on the hour
2. never forget a face OR never forget a name?
Never forget a face because I'm good with names
3. when you orgasm, uncontrollably sing "wake me up before you go go" by wham OR "i'm too sexy" by right said fred?
I would be too breathless to sing *wink* but I guess I could sing "wake me up before you go go! Woohoo WHAM!
4. stub your toe every day for a week OR get a zit on your nose?
Stub my toe OUCHIE
The Tuesday Iffers
Money Changes Everything...
If you received lottery tickets as a gift at the office party, and you won $30,000.00, would you share the winnings with the person that gave you the gift?
The PC thing to do is share but I would just treat that person to a lunch or dinner. LOL
Ten On Tuesday
Ten Athletes that You Admire
1. Andre Agassi
2. Fabian Barthez
3. Diego Maradona
4. Pele
5. Luis Figo
6. Zidane
7. Alessandro del Piero
8. Steffi Graf
9. Sebastian Coe
10. Goran Ivanisevic
TV Tuesday
Week 16 - Commercials
Companies pay billions and billions of dollars each year to drop commercials into our favorite programs in hopes of influencing our shopping habits, getting us to buy things, and toot their own horns. As long as people still have money to spend they'll keep giving us ideas on how to spend it. So this week let's take a closer look at the entity we call commercials.
1. Commercials: Annoying disruption or Interesting Advertisement?
Annoying disruption
2. Is there a commercial that instantly has you reaching for the remote to mute it?
I automatically hit the mute button when commercials come on
3. Jingles are one of the most useful tools in commercials, what's your favorite (or least favorite if you prefer)?
My mind is blank right now
~Bonus~ Has a commercial actually ever influenced something you've done or bought?
Yes. I would order take out dinner after watching food commercials on TV. Even if the TV is in mute. I can still see the ads. They always make me hungry and I guess it helps that the remote and the cordless phone are lying beside each other. LOL
Would you rather:
1. be constipated for a week at a time and only poop on Fridays OR have to go pee every hour on the hour?
Pee every hour on the hour
2. never forget a face OR never forget a name?
Never forget a face because I'm good with names
3. when you orgasm, uncontrollably sing "wake me up before you go go" by wham OR "i'm too sexy" by right said fred?
I would be too breathless to sing *wink* but I guess I could sing "wake me up before you go go! Woohoo WHAM!
4. stub your toe every day for a week OR get a zit on your nose?
Stub my toe OUCHIE
The Tuesday Iffers
Money Changes Everything...
If you received lottery tickets as a gift at the office party, and you won $30,000.00, would you share the winnings with the person that gave you the gift?
The PC thing to do is share but I would just treat that person to a lunch or dinner. LOL
Ten On Tuesday
Ten Athletes that You Admire
1. Andre Agassi
2. Fabian Barthez
3. Diego Maradona
4. Pele
5. Luis Figo
6. Zidane
7. Alessandro del Piero
8. Steffi Graf
9. Sebastian Coe
10. Goran Ivanisevic
TV Tuesday
Week 16 - Commercials
Companies pay billions and billions of dollars each year to drop commercials into our favorite programs in hopes of influencing our shopping habits, getting us to buy things, and toot their own horns. As long as people still have money to spend they'll keep giving us ideas on how to spend it. So this week let's take a closer look at the entity we call commercials.
1. Commercials: Annoying disruption or Interesting Advertisement?
Annoying disruption
2. Is there a commercial that instantly has you reaching for the remote to mute it?
I automatically hit the mute button when commercials come on
3. Jingles are one of the most useful tools in commercials, what's your favorite (or least favorite if you prefer)?
My mind is blank right now
~Bonus~ Has a commercial actually ever influenced something you've done or bought?
Yes. I would order take out dinner after watching food commercials on TV. Even if the TV is in mute. I can still see the ads. They always make me hungry and I guess it helps that the remote and the cordless phone are lying beside each other. LOL
Bloghopping Spree
I fell asleep after I posted on my blog. [9:30pm]
I was just supposed to rest my eyes.
My sister woke me up at 12:30 am.
Couples Fear Factor was on AXN.
There are only 3 of them left.
James & Meghan/ Jackson & Monica / Adam & Meg.
I could just check the website to find out who won.
But nah I rather wait and see.
All the disgusting stuff they have to eat.
All the dangerous stunts they have to perform.
Quite yucky but I still watch it weekly.
Just a few weeks to go before Amazing Race 5!
The ultimate bloghopper that I am, I came across the complete TAR 5 schedule on Studio 23 posted on someone's blog.
Guess what I found on another blog?
The pitshops for the race!
Isn't that supposed to be a secret?
I wonder where the blogger got this information.
Whether it is valid or not, I'll have to wait and see.
For what it's worth here are TAR 5 Pitstops!!!
1 - Uruguay
2 - Argentina
3 - Argentina
4 - Russia
5 - Cairo, Egypt
6 - Crocodile Island, Egypt
7 - Tanzania, Africa
8 - Dubai
9 - Calcutta, India
10 - Rotorua, New Zealand
11 - Coconut Palace, Philippines
12 - Lagen Island Resort, Philippines
Well well so Dubai is on the list.
Interesting ... very interesting indeed!!!
I hope they didn't film it during summer.
The killer humidity would melt them.
It would be great to see Dubai again.
I really miss that city.
The city itself more than the people.
But that's another story.
Yes they also made it to the Philippines.
Since it's the last leg of the race, only the top 3 teams would pass by.
I hope they don't have any unpleasant encounters here.
Now isn't that just so typical of me, a Filipino to assume that things would go awry while they are here?
Oh well.
Maybe it's just my doomsday scenario instincts.
We'll see.
Alright I'm rambling now.
And I'm hungry.
I might as well have my breakfast.
Since I've had my customary 4 hours of sleep.
I fell asleep after I posted on my blog. [9:30pm]
I was just supposed to rest my eyes.
My sister woke me up at 12:30 am.
Couples Fear Factor was on AXN.
There are only 3 of them left.
James & Meghan/ Jackson & Monica / Adam & Meg.
I could just check the website to find out who won.
But nah I rather wait and see.
All the disgusting stuff they have to eat.
All the dangerous stunts they have to perform.
Quite yucky but I still watch it weekly.
Just a few weeks to go before Amazing Race 5!
The ultimate bloghopper that I am, I came across the complete TAR 5 schedule on Studio 23 posted on someone's blog.
Guess what I found on another blog?
The pitshops for the race!
Isn't that supposed to be a secret?
I wonder where the blogger got this information.
Whether it is valid or not, I'll have to wait and see.
For what it's worth here are TAR 5 Pitstops!!!
1 - Uruguay
2 - Argentina
3 - Argentina
4 - Russia
5 - Cairo, Egypt
6 - Crocodile Island, Egypt
7 - Tanzania, Africa
8 - Dubai
9 - Calcutta, India
10 - Rotorua, New Zealand
11 - Coconut Palace, Philippines
12 - Lagen Island Resort, Philippines
Well well so Dubai is on the list.
Interesting ... very interesting indeed!!!
I hope they didn't film it during summer.
The killer humidity would melt them.
It would be great to see Dubai again.
I really miss that city.
The city itself more than the people.
But that's another story.
Yes they also made it to the Philippines.
Since it's the last leg of the race, only the top 3 teams would pass by.
I hope they don't have any unpleasant encounters here.
Now isn't that just so typical of me, a Filipino to assume that things would go awry while they are here?
Oh well.
Maybe it's just my doomsday scenario instincts.
We'll see.
Alright I'm rambling now.
And I'm hungry.
I might as well have my breakfast.
Since I've had my customary 4 hours of sleep.
Monday, June 28, 2004
Deepest Fear
I wanted to write about my weekend.
About the fact that my mother had to be rushed to the hospital late Friday night.
About the fact that for the past couple of months now, I've been facing the moment I've dreaded all my life.
The mortality of my parents.
But my mind is numb. I'm at a loss for words.
And I'm exhausted from the errands I had to do today.
Early meeting at the other side of town. Getting our tickets validated. Going to my parent's house to do my laundry. Paying my Mastercard bill. Paying my Amex bill. Grocery shopping.
So I will just answer my favorites memes.
They always amuse me.
I wanted to write about my weekend.
About the fact that my mother had to be rushed to the hospital late Friday night.
About the fact that for the past couple of months now, I've been facing the moment I've dreaded all my life.
The mortality of my parents.
But my mind is numb. I'm at a loss for words.
And I'm exhausted from the errands I had to do today.
So I will just answer my favorites memes.
They always amuse me.
Monday Madness
1. Bed & Breakfast or hotel?
2. What determines where you stay?(i.e. price, accommodations, transportation, travel package)
I set a budget for the price. I also consider its proximity to restaurants & the transport station like subways, buses etc.
3. When determining where to stay, do you ever consider the establishment's history? (i.e. it might be haunted, location of high profile crime)
No I don't think hotels would publish the fact that they are haunted.
4. Would such considerations sway your decision?
It would if I was aware of it but not really.
5. Do you try and read the local paper for where you're visiting, to get an idea of what the area's like?
I read a lot of websites about the places I will be visiting.
1. Bed & Breakfast or hotel?
2. What determines where you stay?(i.e. price, accommodations, transportation, travel package)
I set a budget for the price. I also consider its proximity to restaurants & the transport station like subways, buses etc.
3. When determining where to stay, do you ever consider the establishment's history? (i.e. it might be haunted, location of high profile crime)
No I don't think hotels would publish the fact that they are haunted.
4. Would such considerations sway your decision?
It would if I was aware of it but not really.
5. Do you try and read the local paper for where you're visiting, to get an idea of what the area's like?
I read a lot of websites about the places I will be visiting.
Monday Music Mambo
Get out your dancing shows everyone, it's Mambo time! And this week, it's a special Mambo! Let's warm up a bit this week.
Using the word "Survivor" (no, not the'll see in a few minutes) list some bands you like, song titles or little tidbits about yourself for us to get to know you. Have fun with it!
"Sway" - Bic Runga
"U make me wanna" - Blue
"Reason, The" - Hoobastank
Vertical Horizon's "Best I ever had"
"Insensitive" - Jann Arden
"Victims of Love" - Joe Lamont
"Officially Missing You" - Tamia
Right here waiting - Richard Marx
Now it's time to Mambo like crazy. This week we're doing a "Survivor" Mambo. Let's play record executive this week. You have the choice to vote off up to 10 artists and musicians off the "Survivor --- Mambo" Island. Who would they be and why?
1. Christina Aguilera - needs a make over!
2. Avril Lavigne - at her young age, she's too angst ridden
3. Justin Timberlake - gets on my nerves
4. Eminem - need I say more?
5. Sean Paul's grating voice gives me a headache
6. Janet Jackson - too mushy, pretty girl image ackk!
7. Mariah Carey - covers my ears from the shrill
8. William Hung - can't you tell they are mocking you?
9. Jessica Simpson - dumb blonde isn't funny it's sad!
10. Metallica - too loud!
So let's get out there and Mambo like crazy!
Get out your dancing shows everyone, it's Mambo time! And this week, it's a special Mambo! Let's warm up a bit this week.
Using the word "Survivor" (no, not the'll see in a few minutes) list some bands you like, song titles or little tidbits about yourself for us to get to know you. Have fun with it!
"Sway" - Bic Runga
Say you'll stay
Don't come and go
Like you do
Sway my way
Yeah I need to know
All about you
"U make me wanna" - Blue
U make me wanna call you in the middle of the night,
U make me wanna hold you till the morning light,
U make me wanna love, U make me wanna fall,
U make me wanna surrender my soul.
"Reason, The" - Hoobastank
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
Vertical Horizon's "Best I ever had"
But it's not so bad
You're only the best I ever had
I don't want you back
You're just the best I ever had
The best I ever had
"Insensitive" - Jann Arden
Oh, you probably won't remember me
It's probably ancient history
I'm one of the chosen few
Who went ahead and fell for you
I'm out of vogue, I'm out of touch
I thought that you might have some advice to give,
How to be insensitive
"Victims of Love" - Joe Lamont
Victims of love are broken down unfair
so sad to see the debris
scattered everywhere
victims of love , still cannot believe
we are the victims of love
we cannot retreat
"Officially Missing You" - Tamia
Well, I wish that you would call me right now
So that I could get through to you somehow
But I guess it's safe to say, baby
Safe to say that I'm officially missin' you
Right here waiting - Richard Marx
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
Now it's time to Mambo like crazy. This week we're doing a "Survivor" Mambo. Let's play record executive this week. You have the choice to vote off up to 10 artists and musicians off the "Survivor --- Mambo" Island. Who would they be and why?
1. Christina Aguilera - needs a make over!
2. Avril Lavigne - at her young age, she's too angst ridden
3. Justin Timberlake - gets on my nerves
4. Eminem - need I say more?
5. Sean Paul's grating voice gives me a headache
6. Janet Jackson - too mushy, pretty girl image ackk!
7. Mariah Carey - covers my ears from the shrill
8. William Hung - can't you tell they are mocking you?
9. Jessica Simpson - dumb blonde isn't funny it's sad!
10. Metallica - too loud!
So let's get out there and Mambo like crazy!
Friday, June 25, 2004
New template
Yes new look!
I wanted something with butterflies.
I wanted something blue.
So tata .... I found it!
I've been at it since this morning.
I didn't eat breakfast nor lunch.
I didn't even take my afternoon nap.
I still need to tinker with it.
But now I can finally go eat something!
I can hear my stomach grumble.
I need nourishment!
Yes new look!
I wanted something with butterflies.
I wanted something blue.
So tata .... I found it!
I've been at it since this morning.
I didn't eat breakfast nor lunch.
I didn't even take my afternoon nap.
I still need to tinker with it.
But now I can finally go eat something!
I can hear my stomach grumble.
I need nourishment!
For 2 weeks now, I've been reading websites on Bangkok.
That is normal for me before I embark on a trip.
I read up on everything.
And I mean everything.
Maps. The tourist spots. The malls.
Where to buy particular items.
The restaurants. The transport system.
The stations on the BTS line.
Even if I can't pronounce most of them.
I've got them memorized.
The famous landmarks situated near our hotel.
The cuisine. The red light district.
The weather. The currency. The taxi stations.
The adaptors needed for our electronic gadgets.
The charger for our cellphones and the digicam.
I get so engrossed in the little details.
I start to stress out.
The last time I was this 'informed'- year 2000.
When I visited Jordan for a week.
I read up so much on that country.
I could recite their national anthem in my sleep.
But that went extremely well.
This time though I'm traveling with my family.
Although my parents are seasoned travelers, I still worry.
About the stifling humidity level in Bangkok.
The chaotic surroundings of an Asian city.
The fact that Thai citizens don't speak English.
All things considered, I know they will have a great time.
I like things to run as smooth as Thai Silk.
Surely we can manage.
I guess once I reach Singapore I will be more at ease.
We know that city like the back of our hands.
It would be a breeze.
I wonder if I would have the time to blog from there.
Silly me even worries about that! :)
For 2 weeks now, I've been reading websites on Bangkok.
That is normal for me before I embark on a trip.
I read up on everything.
And I mean everything.
Maps. The tourist spots. The malls.
Where to buy particular items.
The restaurants. The transport system.
The stations on the BTS line.
Even if I can't pronounce most of them.
I've got them memorized.
The famous landmarks situated near our hotel.
The cuisine. The red light district.
The weather. The currency. The taxi stations.
The adaptors needed for our electronic gadgets.
The charger for our cellphones and the digicam.
I get so engrossed in the little details.
I start to stress out.
The last time I was this 'informed'- year 2000.
When I visited Jordan for a week.
I read up so much on that country.
I could recite their national anthem in my sleep.
But that went extremely well.
This time though I'm traveling with my family.
Although my parents are seasoned travelers, I still worry.
About the stifling humidity level in Bangkok.
The chaotic surroundings of an Asian city.
The fact that Thai citizens don't speak English.
All things considered, I know they will have a great time.
I like things to run as smooth as Thai Silk.
Surely we can manage.
I guess once I reach Singapore I will be more at ease.
We know that city like the back of our hands.
It would be a breeze.
I wonder if I would have the time to blog from there.
Silly me even worries about that! :)
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Theater Thursday
Week 6 - Animals.
Two Brothers opens this weekend in theaters, the story of two twin tiger brothers that are taken into captivity and seperated. Ahh, the drama. We all love movies that are based upon a cute, cuddly, little animal. Well, I guess King Kong wasn't so cute and cudddly. Or little for that matter. So yeah, you guessed it. Its all about animals this week.
1. Whats your favorite movie with an animal as the main character?
Finding Nemo.
2. Least favorite? And is it your least favorite because of the species of the main character, or just because it was a bad movie?
Any movie that has those animals going berserk and attacking people like Deep Blue Sea, Jaws or Bats
3. Do you prefer your movie animals to be animated or real? Animated so they can talk and be harmless
Bonus~ If you were to star in an animal movie... What type of species would you want your leading... animal to be. And why? C'mon be creative. Even name your animal flick.
A Goldfish - "My fishtank existence"
Week 6 - Animals.
Two Brothers opens this weekend in theaters, the story of two twin tiger brothers that are taken into captivity and seperated. Ahh, the drama. We all love movies that are based upon a cute, cuddly, little animal. Well, I guess King Kong wasn't so cute and cudddly. Or little for that matter. So yeah, you guessed it. Its all about animals this week.
1. Whats your favorite movie with an animal as the main character?
Finding Nemo.
2. Least favorite? And is it your least favorite because of the species of the main character, or just because it was a bad movie?
Any movie that has those animals going berserk and attacking people like Deep Blue Sea, Jaws or Bats
3. Do you prefer your movie animals to be animated or real? Animated so they can talk and be harmless
Bonus~ If you were to star in an animal movie... What type of species would you want your leading... animal to be. And why? C'mon be creative. Even name your animal flick.
A Goldfish - "My fishtank existence"
Answer revealed
My hump vibrates. My hump can add. My hump is very useful. My hump can fit anywhere. I will be pretty helpless without my hump. My hump has a gray cover.
NOKIA 3330
I had to look at the archived section of Nokia's website for its picture. LOL I've had it since 2001. It allows only 15 SMS in its inbox. It has no camera, no multimedia features. The SIM is outdated. It hangs whenever someone calls me and it freezes when I'm in the midst of texting. BUT I have no plans to replace it. I'm not one of those people who replace their cellphones every 6 months just to be hip. So there. It serves me well. It stays by my side all the time even when I take a shower.
My hump vibrates. My hump can add. My hump is very useful. My hump can fit anywhere. I will be pretty helpless without my hump. My hump has a gray cover.


I had to look at the archived section of Nokia's website for its picture. LOL I've had it since 2001. It allows only 15 SMS in its inbox. It has no camera, no multimedia features. The SIM is outdated. It hangs whenever someone calls me and it freezes when I'm in the midst of texting. BUT I have no plans to replace it. I'm not one of those people who replace their cellphones every 6 months just to be hip. So there. It serves me well. It stays by my side all the time even when I take a shower.
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Wednesday Mind Hump
Today is Typewriter Day. In honor of the first patent on the typewriter ... wait, what's a typewriter? Is that anything like a keyboard? Okay, now we're talking. Using the letters K-E-Y-B-O-A-R-D tell us something about your blog or your blogging habits.
Kills my boredom
Early Morning blogger
Yes I love to babble away
Blogs several posts daily
Orange-y color
Always uses the spell checker
Rants about everything
Draft it first before publishing
This week's hump -- an even dozen of "I say ___, you think ___"
01. stroke - of midnight
02. sketch - draw
03. poke - my nose into other people's business
04. doh - expression
05. tongue - pink
06. post - blog
07. twirl - ice cream
08. fore - head
09. cup - coffee
10. curly - hair
11. swim - water
12. snooze - sleep
For extra fun, hump this:
Think of an item ...
...don't tell us what the item is. Now, describe that item in brief paragrah (the size, the color, etc) but don't give it away. Okay, now you're ready to hump it up. Replace the name of the item with the word "hump". Other players will come to your blog and try to guess what your hump is. Tomorrow morning, add the answer to your hump and for big fun add a picture. If you don't have a camera do a Google image search.
A Simple Sample (you can be more creative than this): My hump is black. My hump has many places where I can put stuff. My hump is big. My hump has a strap ... what is my hump? Answer: My is hump is my purse.
If this Extra Fun Hump goes well we might make it a weekly meme called Guess-A-Hump.
My hump vibrates. My hump can add. My hump is very useful. My hump can fit anywhere. I will be pretty helpless without my hump. My hump has a gray cover.
Guess what it is
Today is Typewriter Day. In honor of the first patent on the typewriter ... wait, what's a typewriter? Is that anything like a keyboard? Okay, now we're talking. Using the letters K-E-Y-B-O-A-R-D tell us something about your blog or your blogging habits.
Kills my boredom
Early Morning blogger
Yes I love to babble away
Blogs several posts daily
Orange-y color
Always uses the spell checker
Rants about everything
Draft it first before publishing
This week's hump -- an even dozen of "I say ___, you think ___"
01. stroke - of midnight
02. sketch - draw
03. poke - my nose into other people's business
04. doh - expression
05. tongue - pink
06. post - blog
07. twirl - ice cream
08. fore - head
09. cup - coffee
10. curly - hair
11. swim - water
12. snooze - sleep
For extra fun, hump this:
Think of an item ...
...don't tell us what the item is. Now, describe that item in brief paragrah (the size, the color, etc) but don't give it away. Okay, now you're ready to hump it up. Replace the name of the item with the word "hump". Other players will come to your blog and try to guess what your hump is. Tomorrow morning, add the answer to your hump and for big fun add a picture. If you don't have a camera do a Google image search.
A Simple Sample (you can be more creative than this): My hump is black. My hump has many places where I can put stuff. My hump is big. My hump has a strap ... what is my hump? Answer: My is hump is my purse.
If this Extra Fun Hump goes well we might make it a weekly meme called Guess-A-Hump.
My hump vibrates. My hump can add. My hump is very useful. My hump can fit anywhere. I will be pretty helpless without my hump. My hump has a gray cover.
Guess what it is
EURO2004 Updates
So far the following countries are in the quarterfinals:
Portugal - Luis Figo *drools*
Greece - duh?!!!
France - the defending champions
England - I DON'T LIKE this team, NEVER DID!
Denmark - Schmeichel, the giant goal keeper!
No wait, he retired 2 years ago! Tsk tsk!
Sweden - go Larssen go :P
Czech Republic - wtf?
Italy didn't make it! They are angry. As usual always finding excuses and pointing fingers instead of admitting they should have just played better. I think it hurts their ego!
Spain I don't know why they failed to make a mark in the tournament.
Tonight games
Germany vs Czech Republic
Latvia vs the Netherlands
It would decide whether Germany or Holland qualify for the QF.
It seems the Germans would make it.
Rudi Voeller is now the coach of the German team, I remember watching him play along with Rumenigge & H. Schumacher [the goal keeper not the race car driver].
Yup, I'm that old!
So far the following countries are in the quarterfinals:
Portugal - Luis Figo *drools*
Greece - duh?!!!
France - the defending champions
England - I DON'T LIKE this team, NEVER DID!
Denmark - Schmeichel, the giant goal keeper!
No wait, he retired 2 years ago! Tsk tsk!
Sweden - go Larssen go :P
Czech Republic - wtf?
Italy didn't make it! They are angry. As usual always finding excuses and pointing fingers instead of admitting they should have just played better. I think it hurts their ego!
Spain I don't know why they failed to make a mark in the tournament.
Tonight games
Germany vs Czech Republic
Latvia vs the Netherlands
It would decide whether Germany or Holland qualify for the QF.
It seems the Germans would make it.
Rudi Voeller is now the coach of the German team, I remember watching him play along with Rumenigge & H. Schumacher [the goal keeper not the race car driver].
Yup, I'm that old!
Wednesday Matinee
And.... Action!
1. Who's your favorite action movie star?
Pierce Brosnan
2. Which actor do you think best portrays your generation? Johnny Depp
3. What's your favorite movie adaptation based on real events? The Pianist
~Stunt Double Bonus~ What's your favorite action movie? The Peacemaker - George Clooney & Nicole Kidman
Wednesday Whatevers
1. Do you wear your seatbelt?
Yes always
2. When do / did you graduate high school?
3. How often do you get mail?
You mean posted mail? Every 2 weeks mostly BILLS!
And.... Action!
1. Who's your favorite action movie star?
Pierce Brosnan
2. Which actor do you think best portrays your generation? Johnny Depp
3. What's your favorite movie adaptation based on real events? The Pianist
~Stunt Double Bonus~ What's your favorite action movie? The Peacemaker - George Clooney & Nicole Kidman
Wednesday Whatevers
1. Do you wear your seatbelt?
Yes always
2. When do / did you graduate high school?
3. How often do you get mail?
You mean posted mail? Every 2 weeks mostly BILLS!
From my inbox
1. Never apologize for pursuing what makes you happy. Even if you need to quit your job, transfer schools, or move across country, always do what you really want.
2. Never apologize for using proper English. Keeping it real doesn't mean speaking Ebonics.
3. Never apologize for giving your best in a relationship that just didn't work out.
4. Never apologize for being successful. Only haters want to keep you at their level.
5. Never apologize for crying. Wear waterproof mascara and express yourself.
6. Never apologize for ten pounds you need to lose. People who truly care about you will accept you as you are.
7. Never apologize for being frugal. Just because you save your money instead of blowing it on the latest fashion emergency doesn't mean you're cheap.
8. Don't apologize for being a single mom. Babies are a blessing.
9. Never apologize for treating yourself to something special. Sometimes you have to show yourself some appreciation.
10. Never apologize for leaving an abusive relationship. Your safety should always be a priority.
11. Never apologize for keeping the ring even if wedding bells won't chime.
12. Never apologize for setting high standards in a relationship. You know what you can tolerate and what simply gets on your nerves.
13. Never apologize for saying NO.
14. Never apologize for asking for what you want in bed. If you don't, then who will?
15. Never apologize for wearing a weave. You bought it so it's yours.
16. Never apologize to your new friends about old friends. There's a reason she's been your girl friend from day one.
17. Never apologize for ordering dessert. Or more than one dessert.
18. Never apologize for dating outside your race. Just because you found Mr. Right across the color line doesn't mean you don't love your brothas.
19 . Never apologize for not knowing how to cook. Even if you can't burn like Grandma you know how to order good take out.
20 . Never apologize for your taste in clothes. It's your style.
21 . Never apologize for changing your mind.
22 . Never apologize for exercising your right to choose. It's your body and your right.
23. Never apologize for making more money than your man, you work hard and you deserve to get paid.
24. Never apologize for being you!
1. Never apologize for pursuing what makes you happy. Even if you need to quit your job, transfer schools, or move across country, always do what you really want.
2. Never apologize for using proper English. Keeping it real doesn't mean speaking Ebonics.
3. Never apologize for giving your best in a relationship that just didn't work out.
4. Never apologize for being successful. Only haters want to keep you at their level.
5. Never apologize for crying. Wear waterproof mascara and express yourself.
6. Never apologize for ten pounds you need to lose. People who truly care about you will accept you as you are.
7. Never apologize for being frugal. Just because you save your money instead of blowing it on the latest fashion emergency doesn't mean you're cheap.
8. Don't apologize for being a single mom. Babies are a blessing.
9. Never apologize for treating yourself to something special. Sometimes you have to show yourself some appreciation.
10. Never apologize for leaving an abusive relationship. Your safety should always be a priority.
11. Never apologize for keeping the ring even if wedding bells won't chime.
12. Never apologize for setting high standards in a relationship. You know what you can tolerate and what simply gets on your nerves.
13. Never apologize for saying NO.
14. Never apologize for asking for what you want in bed. If you don't, then who will?
15. Never apologize for wearing a weave. You bought it so it's yours.
16. Never apologize to your new friends about old friends. There's a reason she's been your girl friend from day one.
17. Never apologize for ordering dessert. Or more than one dessert.
18. Never apologize for dating outside your race. Just because you found Mr. Right across the color line doesn't mean you don't love your brothas.
19 . Never apologize for not knowing how to cook. Even if you can't burn like Grandma you know how to order good take out.
20 . Never apologize for your taste in clothes. It's your style.
21 . Never apologize for changing your mind.
22 . Never apologize for exercising your right to choose. It's your body and your right.
23. Never apologize for making more money than your man, you work hard and you deserve to get paid.
24. Never apologize for being you!
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
EURO2004 News
Paranoid Italy fear being frozen out by Scandinavian skulduggery
Italy striker Alessandro Del Piero, carrying an equally big chip on his shoulder, said it would be scandalous if the Sweden v Denmark game ended up as a high scoring draw.
"It would be a dirty result if it were to finish 2-2 and we were knocked out," said the Juventus striker, whose Italy team might not be in such trouble had he hit the target in the Azzurri's first two games.
"But I think a 2-2 draw would be a difficult result to arrange, and if it happened it would be a terrible blight on both countries."
He is my favorite Italian soccer player but he does have the tendency to slack off just when he is most expected to deliver! GRRRR!!! According to the article Italy would qualify for the quarterfinals if they beat Bulgaria AND there is a winner between the Denmark & Sweden game. NO DRAW! It would be shameful for Italy to lose to Bulgaria. Let's hope Sweden beats Denmark! But if Italy are out, then in that case, I would have to side with France. LOL
Paranoid Italy fear being frozen out by Scandinavian skulduggery
"It would be a dirty result if it were to finish 2-2 and we were knocked out," said the Juventus striker, whose Italy team might not be in such trouble had he hit the target in the Azzurri's first two games.
"But I think a 2-2 draw would be a difficult result to arrange, and if it happened it would be a terrible blight on both countries."
He is my favorite Italian soccer player but he does have the tendency to slack off just when he is most expected to deliver! GRRRR!!! According to the article Italy would qualify for the quarterfinals if they beat Bulgaria AND there is a winner between the Denmark & Sweden game. NO DRAW! It would be shameful for Italy to lose to Bulgaria. Let's hope Sweden beats Denmark! But if Italy are out, then in that case, I would have to side with France. LOL
Monday, June 21, 2004
Just another Manic Monday
I heard this song by the Bangles on the radio.
While showering. It brought back fond memories.
Our plan - treat dad at Kamay Kainan, Greenhills.
For father's day lunch.
After the 10AM mass at St Francis, we headed to San Juan.
We whisked by the Edsa flyover from Boni over La Salle and Wilson Street.
But ran smack into bumper to bumper traffic at the entrance to Greenhills.
Long queue at the full parking made the traffic situation worse.
After waiting for nearly 10 minutes we realized we would starve to death if we persisted.
We started rattling off other restaurants we could go to.
Dencio's, KSP Grill, Padi's Point.
Quick detour.
5 minutes later we were at a table for four.
At Barrio Fiesta along Edsa.
Crispy Pata. Kare Kare with Bagooong.
Fried Hito. Bouillabaise.
Pinakbet. 4 Plain Rice.
Yummy. Sumptious Food.
Followed by diet pills for me.
Cholesterol meds for the parents.
But it was still early.
We needed our coffee.
Again thinking of good cafe spots nearby.
Figaro, Starbucks, Gloria Jean, Dome.
20 minutes later.
We were at the Fort Area.
UCC Cafe.
1 cafe au lait.
1 cappuccino.
1 Orea Smoothie
1 Strawberry Shake.
1 Blueberry Cheesecake.
Main topic of conversation - Food.
Specifically all the restaurants we would eat at.
In Singapore.
Pepper crabs, Oyster omelette - Cuppage.
Korean BBQ - Seoul Garden.
Kway teoy - Cuppage.
Chinese cuisine - Crystal Jade.
Congee - Carlton Hotel.
Sushi - Hoshigaoka.
Baby Backs - Tony Roma's.
Diet is on starting today.
Peppermint tea.
Nestle yogurt.
Fruits & Vegetables.
Minimize my rice intake.
Eat only when I am hungry.
No more chocolates, sweets & cakes.
I want to travel light.
Luggage wise.
And body wise.
So I can fill up every available space.
I heard this song by the Bangles on the radio.
While showering. It brought back fond memories.
Our plan - treat dad at Kamay Kainan, Greenhills.
For father's day lunch.
After the 10AM mass at St Francis, we headed to San Juan.
We whisked by the Edsa flyover from Boni over La Salle and Wilson Street.
But ran smack into bumper to bumper traffic at the entrance to Greenhills.
Long queue at the full parking made the traffic situation worse.
After waiting for nearly 10 minutes we realized we would starve to death if we persisted.
We started rattling off other restaurants we could go to.
Dencio's, KSP Grill, Padi's Point.
Quick detour.
5 minutes later we were at a table for four.
At Barrio Fiesta along Edsa.
Crispy Pata. Kare Kare with Bagooong.
Fried Hito. Bouillabaise.
Pinakbet. 4 Plain Rice.
Yummy. Sumptious Food.
Followed by diet pills for me.
Cholesterol meds for the parents.
But it was still early.
We needed our coffee.
Again thinking of good cafe spots nearby.
Figaro, Starbucks, Gloria Jean, Dome.
20 minutes later.
We were at the Fort Area.
UCC Cafe.
1 cafe au lait.
1 cappuccino.
1 Orea Smoothie
1 Strawberry Shake.
1 Blueberry Cheesecake.
Main topic of conversation - Food.
Specifically all the restaurants we would eat at.
In Singapore.
Pepper crabs, Oyster omelette - Cuppage.
Korean BBQ - Seoul Garden.
Kway teoy - Cuppage.
Chinese cuisine - Crystal Jade.
Congee - Carlton Hotel.
Sushi - Hoshigaoka.
Baby Backs - Tony Roma's.
Diet is on starting today.
Peppermint tea.
Nestle yogurt.
Fruits & Vegetables.
Minimize my rice intake.
Eat only when I am hungry.
No more chocolates, sweets & cakes.
I want to travel light.
Luggage wise.
And body wise.
So I can fill up every available space.
Sunday, June 20, 2004
Happy Father's Day
In honor of this special day, I've decided to take a trip down memory lane.
A tribute to all the guys I liked/loved/lusted for.
I just felt like remembering them.
Whether they are already fathers now or not.
First stop. New Delhi India. Circa mid 70s.
R was 6. I was 5. Closely knitted Filipino community. Kids of the same age all paired together. Next city. Brussels Belgium. Early 80s.
J was a freckled, red haired 14 year old boy. He tutored me in French. A really reliable classmate. B had the bluest eyes, dirty blonde hair. An athlete but not a jock. He was my first boyfriend. He was 16. I was 12. We were inseparable. Then it was time to head back home. A major culture shock for me. I didn't speak the language. I was the odd one out. So I only had crushes on guys who barely knew I existed. Both B & C were chinito eyed. Average looking guys, not too bright but hey I didn't know any better. Singapore guys didn't turned me on at all. Besides I was too busy working my ass off. Trying to establish a career in a city where I received the most number of employment rejection letters in my life. Dubai was the city where I more than made up for lost time. I had poise and I had more confidence in myself. I learned the art of manipulation. I mastered the tricks of dating. I partied hard. I was out to have fun. And I did.
The common points among them is that:
They were guys I KNEW I'll never marry
Most were long distance relationships
They all had different nationalities
I never cheated on them
They never lasted beyond 2 years
DALS was a tall, dark and handsome Omani guy. He worked at Seeb airport, played for the national soccer team. He was my 'first'. A gentle giant with a heart of gold! Sleepless in SFO was Fil-Am, divorced, worked for the technical department of United Airlines. A father of 3 kids. He flew 16 hours to Singapore to be with me when I was on vacation there for 4 months to visit my sister. He ended up falling for my sister. That was disgusting. Unforgivable. The researcher was an Egyptian expat, 5 years younger than me. But far more mature for his age, basically a goofy guy. He was my best male friend in Dubai. He taught me everything I needed to know. If it weren't for him. I believe I would have gone crazy. Lightsman would drive 3 hours from Muscat every weekend in his green leather interiored beemer. Just to spend time with me. He was an impeccable dresser, witty and we would argue about politics, religion and current events. The Engineer was the most romantic. He worked for an oil company in Bahrain, was separated and had 2 grown kids. He would call me 3 times daily, send me roses and we had really mushy romantic dates. Mr Palestine 4ever was/is the love of my life. We watched movies, eat out and just talk endlessly on the phone. Always joking around, fun loving guy who actually had the weight of the world on his shoulders. But he never gave up on his dreams despite the struggles. A kind hearted soul. He was the best friend of my 'sis' Donna's husband. The four of us had really wild times together. We made plans for our future, we even picked out names for our kids and which brand of diapers to buy. But fate intervened. It was time for me to head back home for good upon my father's retirement. Our plans and dreams faded away. I chose to stay with my family rather than be on my own with him.As it happens, I met Big boned during the flight going to Manila via Singapore. He is tall, fair skinned and handsome in his own way. Of Syrian/Lebanese descent from a military family. He was my anchor when I needed someone to steady me while I was re-settling in. He doesn't talk much and we had these 'comfortable silence' moments. Until I realized they weren't so comfy anymore. So I ended it about 4 months ago.
Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
Nowadays I am blissfully single. Yet still a hopeless romantic who believes in true love!!!
In honor of this special day, I've decided to take a trip down memory lane.
A tribute to all the guys I liked/loved/lusted for.
I just felt like remembering them.
Whether they are already fathers now or not.
R was 6. I was 5. Closely knitted Filipino community. Kids of the same age all paired together.
J was a freckled, red haired 14 year old boy. He tutored me in French. A really reliable classmate.
The common points among them is that:
They were guys I KNEW I'll never marry
Most were long distance relationships
They all had different nationalities
I never cheated on them
They never lasted beyond 2 years
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
Nowadays I am blissfully single. Yet still a hopeless romantic who believes in true love!!!
Saturday, June 19, 2004
I have this habit of losing track of time.
I forget to eat meals regularly.
I forget to call at a specified time.
So I forgot the scheduled power off from 1:30 am - 4:30 am. June 19.
I had just posted an entry in my blog.
I was composing one about my very colorful lovelife. I didn't save it. Now I rather not post it at all. I might. But I've lost my train of thought.
1:30 AM poooft. No power. No internet. No phone. No cable. In the dark. Humid. Sweating.
With nothing to do.
Next best thing! Send SMS. Yes I did. Globally.
Canada, India, Kuwait, USA, Dubai.
Everywhere but Philippines.
Never mind that my right hand is now aching.
Never mind that I finished a P500 load in 3 hours.
Never mind that my cellphone kept hanging.
It kept me entertained.
The ironic part is I have no qualms spending P500 phone credits. But I'm too cheap to buy dad a decent father's day gift.
All I got the most special guy in my life is a mug and a keychain with "World's Greatest Dad" on it.
I wanted to buy him yet another Lacoste T-shirt or even a Lacoste jacket so he can use it for the trip. But it's way past my budget.
My budget of P500!!!
I justify my 'cheapness' by telling myself that the trip next month is being paid for in its entirety by ME and my sister. That's our gift to our parents.
A 5 day Oriental sojourn.
I know the bonding moment would be priceless.
I have this habit of losing track of time.
I forget to eat meals regularly.
I forget to call at a specified time.
So I forgot the scheduled power off from 1:30 am - 4:30 am. June 19.
I had just posted an entry in my blog.
I was composing one about my very colorful lovelife. I didn't save it. Now I rather not post it at all. I might. But I've lost my train of thought.
1:30 AM poooft. No power. No internet. No phone. No cable. In the dark. Humid. Sweating.
With nothing to do.
Next best thing! Send SMS. Yes I did. Globally.
Canada, India, Kuwait, USA, Dubai.
Everywhere but Philippines.
Never mind that my right hand is now aching.
Never mind that I finished a P500 load in 3 hours.
Never mind that my cellphone kept hanging.
It kept me entertained.
The ironic part is I have no qualms spending P500 phone credits. But I'm too cheap to buy dad a decent father's day gift.
All I got the most special guy in my life is a mug and a keychain with "World's Greatest Dad" on it.
I wanted to buy him yet another Lacoste T-shirt or even a Lacoste jacket so he can use it for the trip. But it's way past my budget.
My budget of P500!!!
I justify my 'cheapness' by telling myself that the trip next month is being paid for in its entirety by ME and my sister. That's our gift to our parents.
A 5 day Oriental sojourn.
I know the bonding moment would be priceless.
I've never been...
I came across this while blog hopping.
Highlight whatever applies.
I've never been drunk
I've never smoked pot
I've never kissed a member of the same sex
I've never crashed a friend's car
I've never been to japan
I've never been to europe
I've never ridden in a taxi
I've never been in love
I've never been dumped
I've never shoplifted
I've never been in a fight
I've never had a threesome
I've never snuck out of my house
I've never pissed on myself
I've never been arrested
I've never made out with a stranger
I've never been on a blind date
I've never lied to a friend
I've never had a crush on a teacher
I've never skipped school
I've never thrown up in public
I've never purposely set a part of myself on fire
I've never eaten sushi
I've never been happy with myself
I've never met a movie star
I've never cheated in any test/exams
I've never confessed my feelings for anyone before
I've never run away from home
I've never been on a stage
I've never had my heart broken
I've never been on the dean's list
I've never colored, permed, hot oiled, salon treated my hair
I've never killed anyone
I've never bungee jumped/rock climbed
I've never completed reading the Bible
I've never attempted to kill myself
I've never dreamed to become the President of the Philippines, or any government official
I've never seen a real kangaroo
I've never written a [published] book
I've never completed watching Meteor Garden (never watched it in the first place)
I've never saved anyone's life
I've never saved money above P1000
I've never imagined my wedding day
I came across this while blog hopping.
Highlight whatever applies.
I've never been drunk
I've never smoked pot
I've never kissed a member of the same sex
I've never crashed a friend's car
I've never been to japan
I've never been to europe
I've never ridden in a taxi
I've never been in love
I've never been dumped
I've never shoplifted
I've never been in a fight
I've never had a threesome
I've never snuck out of my house
I've never pissed on myself
I've never been arrested
I've never made out with a stranger
I've never been on a blind date
I've never lied to a friend
I've never had a crush on a teacher
I've never skipped school
I've never thrown up in public
I've never purposely set a part of myself on fire
I've never eaten sushi
I've never been happy with myself
I've never met a movie star
I've never cheated in any test/exams
I've never confessed my feelings for anyone before
I've never run away from home
I've never been on a stage
I've never had my heart broken
I've never been on the dean's list
I've never colored, permed, hot oiled, salon treated my hair
I've never killed anyone
I've never bungee jumped/rock climbed
I've never completed reading the Bible
I've never attempted to kill myself
I've never dreamed to become the President of the Philippines, or any government official
I've never seen a real kangaroo
I've never written a [published] book
I've never completed watching Meteor Garden (never watched it in the first place)
I've never saved anyone's life
I've never saved money above P1000
I've never imagined my wedding day
Friday, June 18, 2004
"World without Filipinos"
Michael Tan [columnist] - Phil Daily Inquirer
June 16, 2004
An excerpt:
"Let's imagine then, not just California, but the entire world, waking up one day to discover Filipinos have disappeared. I'm talking here about the six or seven million Filipinos currently working overseas in countries with names that run the entire alphabet, from Angola to Zimbabwe. Let's not worry first about why or how the Filipinos disappeared; in fact, it becomes academic whether it's a day or a week. Just imagine a world without Filipinos."
Click here to read the full article.
Are we proud of this fact?
Isn't it sad?
We make the world a better place to live in.
Yet we neglect our very own country.
Who do we blame for this?
The government?
The politicians?
The citizenry?
Just wondering ...
Michael Tan [columnist] - Phil Daily Inquirer
June 16, 2004
An excerpt:
"Let's imagine then, not just California, but the entire world, waking up one day to discover Filipinos have disappeared. I'm talking here about the six or seven million Filipinos currently working overseas in countries with names that run the entire alphabet, from Angola to Zimbabwe. Let's not worry first about why or how the Filipinos disappeared; in fact, it becomes academic whether it's a day or a week. Just imagine a world without Filipinos."
Click here to read the full article.
Are we proud of this fact?
Isn't it sad?
We make the world a better place to live in.
Yet we neglect our very own country.
Who do we blame for this?
The government?
The politicians?
The citizenry?
Just wondering ...
Friday Forum
1) Are you taking a summer vacation this year? If so, where are you heading? If you already went on vacation, where did you go?
Yes in less than a month I will be in Bangkok & Singapore
2) Planes, trains, or automobiles...what is your preferred mode of transportation to get to your vacation get-away? I love riding planes
3) Any vacation locales you would recommend for those looking for ideas? Bali & the Maldives for peace and quiet.
4) What US city/state have you never been to but would love to visit? I've never been to the USA and actually have no intention of visiting it.
5) What international city/country have you never been to but would love to visit? Madrid & Barcelona, Spain
1) Are you taking a summer vacation this year? If so, where are you heading? If you already went on vacation, where did you go?
Yes in less than a month I will be in Bangkok & Singapore
2) Planes, trains, or automobiles...what is your preferred mode of transportation to get to your vacation get-away? I love riding planes
3) Any vacation locales you would recommend for those looking for ideas? Bali & the Maldives for peace and quiet.
4) What US city/state have you never been to but would love to visit? I've never been to the USA and actually have no intention of visiting it.
5) What international city/country have you never been to but would love to visit? Madrid & Barcelona, Spain
Thursday, June 17, 2004
My happy thoughts for the day
This email
I'm glad to hear that he's recovering alright - it's funny how life can throw us those curve balls every now and then! Anyways, have fun on your travels, and hopefully we'll talk soon. Regards, xxx [no it's not from Vin Diesel LOL]
Hotel confirmation in Bangkok and Singapore.
My 'sis' Donna cheering me up at 3 am when I was totally pissed about someone.
Wilma's plan of organizing a baby shower for Carr sometime next month.
I'm glad to hear that he's recovering alright - it's funny how life can throw us those curve balls every now and then! Anyways, have fun on your travels, and hopefully we'll talk soon. Regards, xxx [no it's not from Vin Diesel LOL]
Daily Dirt
1. the first thing you think of when you wake up? Switch on my computer
2. ...are the first two things you think of when you read the word "friends"?
The show and [Carr, Pinky & Donna]
3. ...are the top three things in your wish list?
Shoes, books & a new cellphone
4. ...are the four food groups according to you?
Beverage, bread, rice & chocolates
5. ...are the five reasons why you like growing up?
I am grown up maybe not in height but mentally, physically and emotionally
Theater Thursday
Father's Day.
In honor of Father's Day, this weeks questions are all about Daddy Dearest. From Robin Williams portrayal as a father willing to do anything to see his children in Mrs. Doubtfire ,to the sins of Chris Cooper in American Beauty, all movie dads have made us feel one way or another. So no matter if your dad is a saint or something... else, today is their day.
1. What actor has best portrayed the role of loving father? Name the actor and the film.
Sean Penn "I am Sam"
2. What actor has best portrayed the role of world's worst father? Name the actor and the film.
Bill Paxton "Frailty"
3. If there was a movie to be made about your life, what actor would portray your father?
Sean Connery
Happy Father's day to all of you fathers out there.
Thursday's Tattle
Three Things
Name three salad dressing's that you like?
1. mayonnaise
2. thousand island
3. olive oil
Name three vegetable's that you like?
1. cauliflower
2. green beans
3. peas
Name three TV shows that you like?
1. CSI
2. Six Feet Under
3. Alias
Name three things that you collect?
1. magnets
2. dolphins ornaments
3. books
Name three songs that you like?
1. "In My Life" Bette Midler
2. "Sway" Bic Runga
3. "Kiss the Rain" Billie Myers
The Thursday Threesome
::Things that go bump in the night::
Onesome: Things that go- What's the strangest contraption you've ever had to use to get from A to B? A donkey not that it is strange, though it scared the shit out of me because we were high up on a cliff!
Twosome: Bump- Have you ever hurt yourself doing something you weren't supposed to be doing? mmm YES & don't ask what!
Threesome: In the night- Do you believe in things that go bump in the night or anything supernatural? No
1. the first thing you think of when you wake up? Switch on my computer
2. ...are the first two things you think of when you read the word "friends"?
The show and [Carr, Pinky & Donna]
3. ...are the top three things in your wish list?
Shoes, books & a new cellphone
4. ...are the four food groups according to you?
Beverage, bread, rice & chocolates
5. ...are the five reasons why you like growing up?
I am grown up maybe not in height but mentally, physically and emotionally
Theater Thursday
Father's Day.
In honor of Father's Day, this weeks questions are all about Daddy Dearest. From Robin Williams portrayal as a father willing to do anything to see his children in Mrs. Doubtfire ,to the sins of Chris Cooper in American Beauty, all movie dads have made us feel one way or another. So no matter if your dad is a saint or something... else, today is their day.
1. What actor has best portrayed the role of loving father? Name the actor and the film.
Sean Penn "I am Sam"
2. What actor has best portrayed the role of world's worst father? Name the actor and the film.
Bill Paxton "Frailty"
3. If there was a movie to be made about your life, what actor would portray your father?
Sean Connery
Happy Father's day to all of you fathers out there.
Thursday's Tattle
Three Things
Name three salad dressing's that you like?
1. mayonnaise
2. thousand island
3. olive oil
Name three vegetable's that you like?
1. cauliflower
2. green beans
3. peas
Name three TV shows that you like?
1. CSI
2. Six Feet Under
3. Alias
Name three things that you collect?
1. magnets
2. dolphins ornaments
3. books
Name three songs that you like?
1. "In My Life" Bette Midler
2. "Sway" Bic Runga
3. "Kiss the Rain" Billie Myers
The Thursday Threesome
::Things that go bump in the night::
Onesome: Things that go- What's the strangest contraption you've ever had to use to get from A to B? A donkey not that it is strange, though it scared the shit out of me because we were high up on a cliff!
Twosome: Bump- Have you ever hurt yourself doing something you weren't supposed to be doing? mmm YES & don't ask what!
Threesome: In the night- Do you believe in things that go bump in the night or anything supernatural? No
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Wrong side of the Bed
I woke up at 7:30AM with a headache!
3 things brightened my day:
1. email from someone from my past
2. picture card of my cousin's first born daughter
welcome ... new citizen of the world - "Elana"
3. yummy pancakes for breakfast.
I got a million things to do but I will answer memes first.
Daily Dirt
Sugary goodies... Pick one!
1. White, dark, or milk chocolate? Milk
2. Hard candy or taffy? Candy
3. Ice cream or gelati? Both
4. Bubble gum or mints? Mints
5. Cake or pie? Cake
TRIGGER::::: Eyes are .... windows to a person's soul. Eyes are the first thing I notice about someone.
Wednesday Matinee
Ticket, please!
1. What's your favorite Tom Hanks movie?
Forrest Gump
2. Which actor has the most range of emotions?
Johnny Depp
3. If you were involved in making movies, what job would you like to do?
The animator in the graphics department
Wednesday Whatevers
1. Do you think out loud? Yes
2. What color pen do you prefer to write in? Blue
3. How would you describe your voice? Call me to find out LOL
I woke up at 7:30AM with a headache!
3 things brightened my day:
1. email from someone from my past
2. picture card of my cousin's first born daughter
welcome ... new citizen of the world - "Elana"
3. yummy pancakes for breakfast.
I got a million things to do but I will answer memes first.
Daily Dirt
Sugary goodies... Pick one!
1. White, dark, or milk chocolate? Milk
2. Hard candy or taffy? Candy
3. Ice cream or gelati? Both
4. Bubble gum or mints? Mints
5. Cake or pie? Cake
TRIGGER::::: Eyes are .... windows to a person's soul. Eyes are the first thing I notice about someone.
Wednesday Matinee
Ticket, please!
1. What's your favorite Tom Hanks movie?
Forrest Gump
2. Which actor has the most range of emotions?
Johnny Depp
3. If you were involved in making movies, what job would you like to do?
The animator in the graphics department
Wednesday Whatevers
1. Do you think out loud? Yes
2. What color pen do you prefer to write in? Blue
3. How would you describe your voice? Call me to find out LOL
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
My thoughts in bullets
Yahoo! Mail made some service changes.
As of June 15, 2004, they added the following benefits:
Increased storage capacity from your current level to 100MB.
Increase in total message size to 10MB.
A streamlined interface that's even easier to use.
This is interesting, I wonder who receives that much mail everyday. I guess we all can do with more storage. My wish though is they come up with brighter interface colors. The ones they have are so dull.
Alright so Euro2004 has kicked off in Lisbon, Portugal. I am an avid SOCCER fan. I grew up watching Paolo Rossi, Socrates, Rumenigge, Dino Zoff, Maradona. I even collected cards and made a scrapbook of all the players per country. My favorite teams are France and Italy. My favorite players are Zidane, Del Piero, Luis Figo & Fabian Barthez. Now I barely get to watch any matches. Because I live in a country where basketball, boxing and badminton are the sports that make the headlines. I just have to contend myself with reading websites.
I watched Harry Potter 3 The Prisoner of Azkaban yesterday. I fell asleep because I'm not really into it. I just accompanied my sister. After the movie, I asked her a lot of questions, she agreed to explain if I bought her the 5th book. I said sure but now I saw it sells for P1300. Hmmm what did I get myself into?
Beyond Borders had the potential to be a classic love story. But it failed. There was no chemistry between Angelina Jolie and Clive Owen. Set in different parts of the world because they were working for relief organizations, their dedication to their cause is admirable. But overall, it was just ok.
Horror movies are something I avoid at all cost. But since I had nothing more to borrow, I said ok let's see what "Gothika" is about. Not advisable to watch it at 3 AM with thunder, lightning and heavy downpour to boot. It was dark, morbid, had scary music, ghosts and a gruesome murder. All the ingredients of a horror flick. Only thing that pleased me was "Behind Blue Eyes" by Limp Bizkit. A song I downloaded several months ago.
I think I'm one of the few people left on this earth who hasn't read "The Da Vinci Code". I merely scanned the Time Magazine article when it was published. But after reading his other book, I got hooked. I told my sister to see if she can borrow it from La Salle Library. The university where she is taking her Masters in International Relations. Only thing is I'm a slow reader. I hope I can finish it within the allowed time. I fall asleep when I read before bedtime. I'm blind as a bat, my fear is that I will worsen my already failing eyesight by reading too much. I even resorting to using a magnifying glass to make the letters bigger.
This reminds me I need to get my eyes checked before I leave for my trip. I wonder how much a non reflective, ultra thin, astigmatism corrective lenses cost at Sarabia Optical. Also a box of disposable, extended wear contact lenses. Extra expenses for someone stuck in 'broke ville' eternally. It makes my head hurt thinking of bills, bills and more bills.
I promised Iyad 2 weeks ago, I would call him long distance. It's not that I can't afford it, or I don't have the time. It's just that now that I think about it, it seems like it isn't the right thing to do. I don't know. I'm confused. I keep in touch for old times' sake. After all we are still friends. But it doesn't give justice to the phrases 'Moving on' and 'Letting go'. Sending each other SMS messages every week is not enough. I so desperately want to hear his lovely accented voice again. It's like a craving. An aching need. I don't know why I put myself in such a position. As if I am not stressed enough from worrying too much about bills, my trip, my parents' health, my health. I never learn!
As of June 15, 2004, they added the following benefits:
Increased storage capacity from your current level to 100MB.
Increase in total message size to 10MB.
A streamlined interface that's even easier to use.
This is interesting, I wonder who receives that much mail everyday. I guess we all can do with more storage. My wish though is they come up with brighter interface colors. The ones they have are so dull.
TV Tuesday - TV Dads
Since Father's Day is this Sunday I thought this week would be a good chance to explore TV Dads! TV Moms got their chance and now it's Dad's turn! So in honor of all those hard working and lovable dads out there, this one's for you! :)
1. Which TV Dad would you have most liked to have for your own dad? On the flipside, who was the TV Dad you'd have least liked to have had?
Liked Michael Landon "Little House on the Prairie"
Least liked Al Bundy "Married with Children"
2. Who do you consider the most realistic TV Dad? Who did you consider simply too good to be true?
TV Dads are not supposed to be realistic and they are all too good to be true
3. Let's play a little Dad word association, what's the first word that comes to mind when you see the following names:
George Jetson :: who?
Cliff Huxtable :: Funny
Dan Conner :: who?
Gomez Addams :: John Astin
Archie Bunker :: familiar name
Jed Clampett :: who?
Ward Cleaver :: huh?
Tony Micelli :: Tony Danza
Ozzie Nelson :: another blank
Homer Simpson :: gets on my nerves
~BONUS~ Use the letters F-A-T-H-E-R-S D-A-Y to describe your own dad!
The Best
Hard working
Avid Movies Fan
Young at Heart
And a VERY Happy Father's Day to all you Dad's out there!! :)
Daily Dirt Babies...
1. Has anyone in your family recently had a baby?
My cousin
2. Do you want the near future.
NO, not even in the distant future
3. What is your favorite baby name for a girl?
Daniella Marie
4. What is your favorite baby name for a boy?
5. What's the one thing that makes you NEVER want to have kids?
Too much responsibility
Since Father's Day is this Sunday I thought this week would be a good chance to explore TV Dads! TV Moms got their chance and now it's Dad's turn! So in honor of all those hard working and lovable dads out there, this one's for you! :)
1. Which TV Dad would you have most liked to have for your own dad? On the flipside, who was the TV Dad you'd have least liked to have had?
Liked Michael Landon "Little House on the Prairie"
Least liked Al Bundy "Married with Children"
2. Who do you consider the most realistic TV Dad? Who did you consider simply too good to be true?
TV Dads are not supposed to be realistic and they are all too good to be true
3. Let's play a little Dad word association, what's the first word that comes to mind when you see the following names:
George Jetson :: who?
Cliff Huxtable :: Funny
Dan Conner :: who?
Gomez Addams :: John Astin
Archie Bunker :: familiar name
Jed Clampett :: who?
Ward Cleaver :: huh?
Tony Micelli :: Tony Danza
Ozzie Nelson :: another blank
Homer Simpson :: gets on my nerves
~BONUS~ Use the letters F-A-T-H-E-R-S D-A-Y to describe your own dad!
The Best
Hard working
Avid Movies Fan
Young at Heart
And a VERY Happy Father's Day to all you Dad's out there!! :)
Daily Dirt Babies...
1. Has anyone in your family recently had a baby?
My cousin
2. Do you want the near future.
NO, not even in the distant future
3. What is your favorite baby name for a girl?
Daniella Marie
4. What is your favorite baby name for a boy?
5. What's the one thing that makes you NEVER want to have kids?
Too much responsibility
Monday, June 14, 2004
Monday Madness
Using the following letters, name birthday-related words; nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, phrases; they are all allowed! Have fun!! =)
Yearly Occasion
The birthday cake
Diet off
A milestone
Using the following letters, name birthday-related words; nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, phrases; they are all allowed! Have fun!! =)
Yearly Occasion
The birthday cake
Diet off
A milestone
Monday Music Mambo
The theme for this week is "Mood Music" so taking the first letters of the word "Mood" tell us something. Not necessarily about yourself...but as creative as you like. Get that brain a mamboing!!
My mind is Occupied Over Details regarding my trip next month.
Are you warmed up? goes.
1. What are some of the songs or albums that you play when you're angry?
I don't listen to any songs when I'm angry I prefer silence.
2. What songs or songs always manage to cheer you up when you are sad.
Josh Groban's "You raise me up" Bette Midler's "Wind beneath my Wings" John Lennon's "Imagine"
3. Do you have any songs that you associate with a special time of your life? If so, what was the song, and tell us about the event that it makes more special?
There are far too many to mention. I'm too tired to think at the moment
4. In the mood for love? What songs make you feel all warm and fuzzy?
Sting - "Desert Rose" Enrique Iglesias - "Only You" Billie Myers - "Kiss the Rain" Daniel Bedingfield - "If you're not the one"
5. What song best describes the mood that you're in right now?
Hoobastank - "The Reason"
I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you
I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
Thats why I need you to hear
The theme for this week is "Mood Music" so taking the first letters of the word "Mood" tell us something. Not necessarily about yourself...but as creative as you like. Get that brain a mamboing!!
My mind is Occupied Over Details regarding my trip next month.
Are you warmed up? goes.
1. What are some of the songs or albums that you play when you're angry?
I don't listen to any songs when I'm angry I prefer silence.
2. What songs or songs always manage to cheer you up when you are sad.
3. Do you have any songs that you associate with a special time of your life? If so, what was the song, and tell us about the event that it makes more special?
There are far too many to mention. I'm too tired to think at the moment
4. In the mood for love? What songs make you feel all warm and fuzzy?
5. What song best describes the mood that you're in right now?
I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you
I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
Thats why I need you to hear
Daily Dirt Films...
1. What is your favourite film? Amelie
2. What is your favourite type of film?
Romantic comedies
3. When was the last time you went to see a film?
This afternoon I saw "Harry Potter 3 The Prisoner of Azkaban" I fell asleep!
4. Who do u like going to see movies with? My sister
5. Finally, if you could be in a film, what character would u be?
The partner in crime of the lead female character.
1. What is your favourite film? Amelie
2. What is your favourite type of film?
Romantic comedies
3. When was the last time you went to see a film?
This afternoon I saw "Harry Potter 3 The Prisoner of Azkaban" I fell asleep!
4. Who do u like going to see movies with? My sister
5. Finally, if you could be in a film, what character would u be?
The partner in crime of the lead female character.
Sunday, June 13, 2004
Unconscious Mutterings
Eviction::Thrown Out
The First Four
Sunday Brunch
Happy Birthday!
Sunday Brunch is one year old this week! Break out the party hats and pop the cork on that bottle of champagne. Let's celebrate!
1. How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
Lunch & Dinner out then watch a movie
2. Do you ever lie about your age? No
3. What is your favorite flavor(s) of cake and ice cream?
Coffee cake and Chocolate ice cream
4. Have you ever completely forgotten the birthday of a family member or friend? NEVER
5. What was the most memorable birthday party you've attended?
My sister's 30th birthday when she invited her friends over our place
Eviction::Thrown Out
The First Four
Sunday Brunch
Happy Birthday!
Sunday Brunch is one year old this week! Break out the party hats and pop the cork on that bottle of champagne. Let's celebrate!
1. How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
Lunch & Dinner out then watch a movie
2. Do you ever lie about your age? No
3. What is your favorite flavor(s) of cake and ice cream?
Coffee cake and Chocolate ice cream
4. Have you ever completely forgotten the birthday of a family member or friend? NEVER
5. What was the most memorable birthday party you've attended?
My sister's 30th birthday when she invited her friends over our place
This past week
I watched "21 Grams". I bought this ehem pirated DVD several months ago. Since I was mostly home bound, I finally had time to watch it. Great acting from Sean Penn, Benicio del Toro & Naomi Watts. Story was a bit dark and morbid. At least it's different from the usual Hollywood fare. I borrowed "Mona Lisa Smile" primarily for Julia Roberts. A "Dead Poets Society" plot but failing miserably.
"Runaway Jury". A suspenseful courtroom movie based on John Grisham's book. I didn't read the book so I have no idea if the movie stuck to the plot. Good cast and the story is compelling enough to sustain one's interest. Of course, the underdog always wins! I finally finished reading Dan Brown's Angels and Demons. Oh my what a book! One of my favorite places to visit - The Vatican City, Rome Italy. Conspiracy theories, secret society, cat and mouse chase, Religion vs Science, Good vs Evil. A very well researched book! The details were very graphic, fast paced action till the very end. Amazing Race, season 5 is about to start next month. But their website is already up! Another website which caught my attention, the American Express ad with Jerry Seinfeld and Superman. But unfortunately it takes too long to load. Maybe it's my internet connection that is too slow. Either way I can't seem to access the ad. I saw the first one "Uniform". A friend emailed it to me. It's an interesting way to market a product. I also read several travel sites about Bangkok, Thailand. So far we have shortlisted our choices of hotels to 2. I still have to discuss certain points with the family before I book our accommodations. I'm so excited I'm going over to my parent's house next week to dust off our luggages. Even if we still have roughly a month to go. I'm NOT a last minute kinda gal.
"Runaway Jury". A suspenseful courtroom movie based on John Grisham's book. I didn't read the book so I have no idea if the movie stuck to the plot. Good cast and the story is compelling enough to sustain one's interest. Of course, the underdog always wins!
Saturday, June 12, 2004
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!!!
Today, our nation celebrates its 106th Independence day.
Nowadays, people don't bother to really observe this day.
But for me it always brings back memories.
Going to the embassy to attend flag raising ceremony in the terrible heat of an Arabian summer at such an early hour. Finding the appropriate national dress to wear. One for the morning activities and another for the formal reception in the evening. Attending various Filipino community affairs held at posh hotels. Feasting on traditional food. Sometimes watching celebrities from Manila perform at concerts. Even participate in some of the activities like dancing the itik itik, or the tinikling. BUT that was A LONG TIME AGO when I was too young to protest and had to perform because DUTY calls!
It was always such a grand festive event.
An occasion my mother and I would prepare for way in advance.
We make sure our attire matched the theme.
We would diet.
We would make the necessary appointments at the beauty salon.
For us JUNE 12 was always a stressful day.
But it made us proud to be Filipinos.
It made us appreciate our country more.
We sang the national anthem with our palms over our heart.
It's a pity that we only feel patriotic when we are miles away from home.
Today, our nation celebrates its 106th Independence day.
Nowadays, people don't bother to really observe this day.
But for me it always brings back memories.
It was always such a grand festive event.
An occasion my mother and I would prepare for way in advance.
We make sure our attire matched the theme.
We would diet.
We would make the necessary appointments at the beauty salon.
For us JUNE 12 was always a stressful day.
But it made us proud to be Filipinos.
It made us appreciate our country more.
We sang the national anthem with our palms over our heart.
It's a pity that we only feel patriotic when we are miles away from home.
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
The good, the bad and the ugly
The good
2 months since suffering a mild stroke, dad had a check up today. He is recovering well and only has to maintain his cholesterol level and stick to his low salt diet.
The bad
The results of an ECG test show that my mother has heart palpitations. The doctor prescribed meds for 30 days. She has to do a blood test tomorrow to check her sugar, uric acid and cholesterol levels.
The ugly
Only a woman would comprehend my present condition. I am erratically 'irregular'. So if and when it decides to grace me with a visit, I am literally in bloody hell. I pop painkillers like candy and get alot of bed rest.
So excuse me while I overdose on Postan and finish reading Dan Brown's Angels and Demons
2 months since suffering a mild stroke, dad had a check up today. He is recovering well and only has to maintain his cholesterol level and stick to his low salt diet.
The bad
The results of an ECG test show that my mother has heart palpitations. The doctor prescribed meds for 30 days. She has to do a blood test tomorrow to check her sugar, uric acid and cholesterol levels.
The ugly
Only a woman would comprehend my present condition. I am erratically 'irregular'. So if and when it decides to grace me with a visit, I am literally in bloody hell. I pop painkillers like candy and get alot of bed rest.
So excuse me while I overdose on Postan and finish reading Dan Brown's Angels and Demons
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Twist of Fate
While strolling at National Book Store earlier,
this woman approached me.
I barely recognized her.
It turns out she was my former classmate at UST (University of Santo Tomas).
Since I was killing time.
I invited her for coffee at Cibo.
We started updating each other about our lives.
She is a housewife with 4 kids.
She just found out today, she's pregnant.
I naturally congratulated her.
Suddenly, she starts crying.
I didn't know how to react.
I just offered her a tissue.
It has to be told that we were never close back then. She was part of the 'popular' group.
Now she has dark circles under her eyes.
Thin as a rake.
Saddled with debts left and right.
Dejected. Frustrated. Angst ridden.
All I could do was listen to her woes.
She regrets getting pregnant early.
She laments putting her life on hold to start a family.
She also told me that this baby was an accident.
Just like the 3rd and 4th one.
How do you tell someone who is so miserable that her life is going to be alright?
That children are blessings and not accidents?
I couldn't find the words.
I just gave her a hug.
I left feeling bad for her.
But deep inside me I was very happy and thankful my life didn't turn out to be like hers!
While strolling at National Book Store earlier,
this woman approached me.
I barely recognized her.
It turns out she was my former classmate at UST (University of Santo Tomas).
Since I was killing time.
I invited her for coffee at Cibo.
We started updating each other about our lives.
She is a housewife with 4 kids.
She just found out today, she's pregnant.
I naturally congratulated her.
Suddenly, she starts crying.
I didn't know how to react.
I just offered her a tissue.
It has to be told that we were never close back then. She was part of the 'popular' group.
Now she has dark circles under her eyes.
Thin as a rake.
Saddled with debts left and right.
Dejected. Frustrated. Angst ridden.
All I could do was listen to her woes.
She regrets getting pregnant early.
She laments putting her life on hold to start a family.
She also told me that this baby was an accident.
Just like the 3rd and 4th one.
How do you tell someone who is so miserable that her life is going to be alright?
That children are blessings and not accidents?
I couldn't find the words.
I just gave her a hug.
I left feeling bad for her.
But deep inside me I was very happy and thankful my life didn't turn out to be like hers!
Monday, June 07, 2004
Monday Music Mambo
This week's mambo has a special theme -- Movie Music! So to get us warmed up, let's start out by taking the word "Music" and see if we can come up with Movie titles using those 5 letters!

So are you warmed up for the summer movie season? Are you warmed up for the soundtracks that go with them? Yay! Let's mambo ... movie soundtrack style.
1. What movie soundtrack is your absolute favorite?

2. What movie wouldn't be as great if it didn't have such and awesome soundtrack?

3. How many movie soundtracks do you own? (you don't have to be precise a rough estimate is fine)
Just one

4. Have you ever bought a movie soundtrack and not seen the movie? No
5. If your life was going to be made into a movie, what songs would you want included on the soundtrack?
Bette Midler's "In My Life" One local song from each of the countries I've lived in [India, Belgium, Singapore,UAE and the Philippines] Lara Fabian's "I will love again" Westlife's "Flying without Wings"
This week's mambo has a special theme -- Movie Music! So to get us warmed up, let's start out by taking the word "Music" and see if we can come up with Movie titles using those 5 letters!
So are you warmed up for the summer movie season? Are you warmed up for the soundtracks that go with them? Yay! Let's mambo ... movie soundtrack style.
1. What movie soundtrack is your absolute favorite?
2. What movie wouldn't be as great if it didn't have such and awesome soundtrack?
3. How many movie soundtracks do you own? (you don't have to be precise a rough estimate is fine)
4. Have you ever bought a movie soundtrack and not seen the movie? No
5. If your life was going to be made into a movie, what songs would you want included on the soundtrack?
Monday Madness
1. In your opinion, what is the perfect temperature? 26 Deg C
2. If you have a garden, what do you plant in it? If not, what would you plant in it? No garden here, gardening ain't my cup of tea
3. What is your favorite summertime beverage?
4. How many times a year do you rearrange your living room?
Do I have to rearrange it? I like it the way it is
5. How fast do you drive in a '55 mile-an-hour' zone?
I'm just the navigator/radio operator/backseat driver
6. How many minutes per day do you usually talk on the phone? Just 10 minutes to call my mother
7. What is your favorite software program?
Dreamweaver, Photostudio and Swish
8. How many music cd's do you own?
I haven't bought CDs for the longest time
9. How many memes do you participate in on a regular basis?
At least 2 for every single day of the week
10. Name 3 blogs that you have on your 'blogroll' list. (any 3.)
Pinayhekmi Prologue Nocturnalangel
1. In your opinion, what is the perfect temperature? 26 Deg C
2. If you have a garden, what do you plant in it? If not, what would you plant in it? No garden here, gardening ain't my cup of tea
3. What is your favorite summertime beverage?
4. How many times a year do you rearrange your living room?
Do I have to rearrange it? I like it the way it is
5. How fast do you drive in a '55 mile-an-hour' zone?
I'm just the navigator/radio operator/backseat driver
6. How many minutes per day do you usually talk on the phone? Just 10 minutes to call my mother
7. What is your favorite software program?
Dreamweaver, Photostudio and Swish
8. How many music cd's do you own?
I haven't bought CDs for the longest time
9. How many memes do you participate in on a regular basis?
At least 2 for every single day of the week
10. Name 3 blogs that you have on your 'blogroll' list. (any 3.)
Sunday, June 06, 2004
Raindrops keep falling on my head
Amidst the cool air brought by the incessant rain.
I spent the weekend
Reading a compelling story about depression, madness & death.
Watching a great movie
In 1938
a year of monumental turmoil,
the number one newsmaker
wasn't Franklin Roosevelt,
or Adolf Hitler.
He wasn't even a person
It was an undersized,
crook legged racehorse
owned by a bicyle-repairman
turned-automobile magnate
trained by a virtually mute
mustang breaker,
ridden by a half blind
failed prizefighter.
The racehorse was
I love this cuddly weather, enjoyed the film and devoured the book with gusto!!!
I spent the weekend
In 1938
a year of monumental turmoil,
the number one newsmaker
wasn't Franklin Roosevelt,
or Adolf Hitler.
He wasn't even a person
It was an undersized,
crook legged racehorse
owned by a bicyle-repairman
turned-automobile magnate
trained by a virtually mute
mustang breaker,
ridden by a half blind
failed prizefighter.
The racehorse was
Saturday, June 05, 2004
You and Me
This is interesting, I copied it from Logtar's.
Answer the questions in the comments section.
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname & explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything,what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your weblog and see what I say about you?
This is interesting, I copied it from Logtar's.
Answer the questions in the comments section.
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname & explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything,what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your weblog and see what I say about you?
I copied this from her blog
A - Age: 35
B - Boyfriend: none
C - Chore you hate: cleaning pots & pans
D - Dad's name & occupation: Buddy, retired diplomat
E - Essential everyday item(s): cellphone, mineral water, lip balm, clip to tie my hair up, eyeglasses
F - Favorite actor/actress: Johnny Depp, Julia Roberts, George Clooney, Hugh Grant, Ed Burns
G - Gold or silver: gold
H - Hometown: Manila, Philippines
I - Instruments you play: none
J - Job: freelance web designer
K - Kids: none
L - Living arrangements: loft style condo unit
M - Mother's name and occupation: Mely, Homemaker
N - Name and who are you named after: Daphne Laura named after my mother's fav author Daphne du Maurier. Laura comes from the saint on my birthdate
O - Overnight hospital stays: none
P - Phobia: fear of getting stuck in a shop while it is about to close for the evening.
Q - Quote you like: "There is a tomorrow and the best is yet to be. And somewhere in the world, I know there is a place for me"
R - Ride I have: silver metallic Honda City 2002
S - Shows/Soaps you like: Survivor, Amazing Race, CSI, Alias,The Practice, NYPD Blue, Will & Grace
T - Time you wake up: no fixed time
U - Unique habit: whenever I read in bed, I lie on my back with my legs up in the air. To avoid DVT
V - Vegetable(s)/Fruit(s) you refuse to eat: ampalaya (Bitter gourd), papaya, and beets
W - Worst habit: sleeping really late
X - X-rays you've had: dental x-rays.
Y - Yummy food you make: brownies
Z - Zodiac Sign: Libra
I copied this from her blog
A - Age: 35
B - Boyfriend: none
C - Chore you hate: cleaning pots & pans
D - Dad's name & occupation: Buddy, retired diplomat
E - Essential everyday item(s): cellphone, mineral water, lip balm, clip to tie my hair up, eyeglasses
F - Favorite actor/actress: Johnny Depp, Julia Roberts, George Clooney, Hugh Grant, Ed Burns
G - Gold or silver: gold
H - Hometown: Manila, Philippines
I - Instruments you play: none
J - Job: freelance web designer
K - Kids: none
L - Living arrangements: loft style condo unit
M - Mother's name and occupation: Mely, Homemaker
N - Name and who are you named after: Daphne Laura named after my mother's fav author Daphne du Maurier. Laura comes from the saint on my birthdate
O - Overnight hospital stays: none
P - Phobia: fear of getting stuck in a shop while it is about to close for the evening.
Q - Quote you like: "There is a tomorrow and the best is yet to be. And somewhere in the world, I know there is a place for me"
R - Ride I have: silver metallic Honda City 2002
S - Shows/Soaps you like: Survivor, Amazing Race, CSI, Alias,The Practice, NYPD Blue, Will & Grace
T - Time you wake up: no fixed time
U - Unique habit: whenever I read in bed, I lie on my back with my legs up in the air. To avoid DVT
V - Vegetable(s)/Fruit(s) you refuse to eat: ampalaya (Bitter gourd), papaya, and beets
W - Worst habit: sleeping really late
X - X-rays you've had: dental x-rays.
Y - Yummy food you make: brownies
Z - Zodiac Sign: Libra
Friday, June 04, 2004
"An adventure as big as life itself"
"They say, when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and that's true. What they don't tell you is that when it starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up."
"I'd like to take your picture. Oh, you don't need a picture. Just look up "handsome" in the dictionary."
"A man tells so many stories, that he becomes the stories. They live on after him, and in that way he becomes immortal"
Tim Burton's BIG FISH was such a delightful movie. A feel good film with quirky characters, colorful scenery, good acting and memorable quotes. It has some hidden meanings but at 4 in the morning I just let myself be entertained. The lead character does remind me of my childhood when my father would make up bedtime stories to amuse us. There was a period in my life when I thought that pink elephants and mice who ate the middle part of the bread - really existed.
Tim Burton's BIG FISH was such a delightful movie. A feel good film with quirky characters, colorful scenery, good acting and memorable quotes. It has some hidden meanings but at 4 in the morning I just let myself be entertained. The lead character does remind me of my childhood when my father would make up bedtime stories to amuse us. There was a period in my life when I thought that pink elephants and mice who ate the middle part of the bread - really existed.
Friday's Feast
What is your middle name? Would you change any of your names if you could? If so, what would you like to be called?
Laura. No I won't change my names.
If you were a fashion designer, which fabrics, colors, and styles would you probably use the most?
Linen, cotton fabrics. Colors would be blue, yellow, orange and lime green. Styles - 3/4 sleeves, loose and airy blouses and t-shirts that hide the bulges. LOL
What is your least favorite chore, and why?
Cleaning greasy pots and pans. I like doing the dishes but you won't expect me to scrub the burnt leftovers still stuck at the bottom of the pans.
Main Course
What is something that really frightens you, and can you trace it back to an event in your life?
Being in a shop that is about to close for the night. It stems from the fact when I was about 5 years old and I was outside playing and when I looked for my mother she was inside a shop and the grills were half way down because it was about 9pm. I remember thinking my mother was trapped inside and won't be able to come out and go home with me.
Where are you sitting right now? Name 3 things you can see at this moment.
In my bedroom. My bed, the electric fan and the fax machine
What is your middle name? Would you change any of your names if you could? If so, what would you like to be called?
Laura. No I won't change my names.
If you were a fashion designer, which fabrics, colors, and styles would you probably use the most?
Linen, cotton fabrics. Colors would be blue, yellow, orange and lime green. Styles - 3/4 sleeves, loose and airy blouses and t-shirts that hide the bulges. LOL
What is your least favorite chore, and why?
Cleaning greasy pots and pans. I like doing the dishes but you won't expect me to scrub the burnt leftovers still stuck at the bottom of the pans.
Main Course
What is something that really frightens you, and can you trace it back to an event in your life?
Being in a shop that is about to close for the night. It stems from the fact when I was about 5 years old and I was outside playing and when I looked for my mother she was inside a shop and the grills were half way down because it was about 9pm. I remember thinking my mother was trapped inside and won't be able to come out and go home with me.
Where are you sitting right now? Name 3 things you can see at this moment.
In my bedroom. My bed, the electric fan and the fax machine
Friday Forum
This week's Friday Forum questions are courtesy of fellow blogger Brad. OK, on to the questions ~ and this week, it's all about food! [We all have to eat, right?]
1] Name three people, living or dead, who you'd love to invite over for a dinner party. What would you serve?
Princess Diana, Johnny Depp & Hilary Clinton. I would serve Caesar's salad with croutons, Penne Marinara, Spinach Ravioli, Bread with Olive oil and Tiramisu for dessert
2] What does your all-time favorite meal consist of? Which foods do you like the least?
I have alot of favorite meals but to mention one - Chili's Monterey Chicken with mashed potatoes and boiled veggies. I don't eat Indian food.
3] Do you enjoy a food combination that some might consider unusual [for example, barbecue sauce with French fries]?
I eat noodles [pancit] with rice.
4] Do you have any food weaknesses [i.e., chips, candy, cookies]? Do you usually manage to avoid the temptation or give in?
I have a sweet tooth so I love desserts like chocolate Ice cream and cakes, donuts. I go ahead and indulge myself occasionally.
5] Which foods/recipes have you never tried but would like to? Escargot [Snails]
This week's Friday Forum questions are courtesy of fellow blogger Brad. OK, on to the questions ~ and this week, it's all about food! [We all have to eat, right?]
1] Name three people, living or dead, who you'd love to invite over for a dinner party. What would you serve?
Princess Diana, Johnny Depp & Hilary Clinton. I would serve Caesar's salad with croutons, Penne Marinara, Spinach Ravioli, Bread with Olive oil and Tiramisu for dessert
2] What does your all-time favorite meal consist of? Which foods do you like the least?
I have alot of favorite meals but to mention one - Chili's Monterey Chicken with mashed potatoes and boiled veggies. I don't eat Indian food.
3] Do you enjoy a food combination that some might consider unusual [for example, barbecue sauce with French fries]?
I eat noodles [pancit] with rice.
4] Do you have any food weaknesses [i.e., chips, candy, cookies]? Do you usually manage to avoid the temptation or give in?
I have a sweet tooth so I love desserts like chocolate Ice cream and cakes, donuts. I go ahead and indulge myself occasionally.
5] Which foods/recipes have you never tried but would like to? Escargot [Snails]
Friday Four
Foul Language
Who has this much contact with birds these days? Change each of the bold words to make the cliche more applicable to your life.
1. It's like killing two birds with one stone.
** It's like killing two allergies with one Zyrtec.
2. A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush.
** A piercing in the ears is better than two in the navel.
3. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
** Don't count your sheep before you are sleepy .
4. I'm as free as a bird now.
** I'm as tired as an ox now.
Foul Language
Who has this much contact with birds these days? Change each of the bold words to make the cliche more applicable to your life.
1. It's like killing two birds with one stone.
** It's like killing two allergies with one Zyrtec.
2. A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush.
** A piercing in the ears is better than two in the navel.
3. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
** Don't count your sheep before you are sleepy .
4. I'm as free as a bird now.
** I'm as tired as an ox now.
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Thursday Threesome
"When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do." -- Walt Disney
Onesome: When you're curious- Is there a specific subject you're especially curious about? A person? A region of the world? An animal? A field of study?
I've always been fascinated with the Middle East region. It got all the more interesting when I actually lived there for 6 whole years.
Twosome: you find lots of interesting- What do you consider your most interesting trait/ feature?
It would be my resiliency. The fact how adaptable and flexible I am. Since childhood I've always had to adjust to new surroundings that now I'm used to it. The downside would be that it makes me restless when I'm 'stuck' in one place for a certain period of time.
Threesome: things to do- What's on your list of things to do everyday, whether you want to or not? Filing, phone calls, homework, chasing around after kiddos, cooking, cleaning, etc.
Check my emails, take 2 showers, dust the house, read technical stuff for work, prepare meals, watch TV, call up my parents and of course BLOG.
"When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do." -- Walt Disney
Onesome: When you're curious- Is there a specific subject you're especially curious about? A person? A region of the world? An animal? A field of study?
I've always been fascinated with the Middle East region. It got all the more interesting when I actually lived there for 6 whole years.
Twosome: you find lots of interesting- What do you consider your most interesting trait/ feature?
It would be my resiliency. The fact how adaptable and flexible I am. Since childhood I've always had to adjust to new surroundings that now I'm used to it. The downside would be that it makes me restless when I'm 'stuck' in one place for a certain period of time.
Threesome: things to do- What's on your list of things to do everyday, whether you want to or not? Filing, phone calls, homework, chasing around after kiddos, cooking, cleaning, etc.
Check my emails, take 2 showers, dust the house, read technical stuff for work, prepare meals, watch TV, call up my parents and of course BLOG.
Theater Thursday - Disaster Movies
The Day After Tomorrow has opened torave great passable some reviews, and disaster movies are once again in vogue. This week's Theatre Thursday questions are about those motion pictures that make us want to avoid the water, planes, tall buildings, large cruise ships, angry atomic reptiles and everything in general that makes life enjoyable...
1) What's your favorite disaster movie of all time?
The Perfect Storm
2) Do you prefer a disaster movie with tons of special effects, carnage and general mayhem (i.e. Armageddon) or would you rather see one where the focus is on the people and the event's effects on their lives (i.e. Deep Impact)?
The disaster's effect on the characters in the movie. Actually my sister and I would guess which one would die and even predict how his character will face death.
3) Of all the disaster movies you've seen, which depicts the most realistic portrayal of what might happen in an actual disaster? Which was the most far-fetched?
Twister - there are really tornadoes that powerful. The most preposterous are those with animals attacking people like Bats, Crocodile, Jurassic Park and Godzilla. What is it? A lizard?
Bonus) Which character would you be if you were in a disaster movie - the tough hero, the corrupt businessman who profits from it all, the old lady who runs around and screams "We're doomed!!!", the kid who saves the day, the young guy who buys it in the first five minutes of the disaster, or another stock character?
The lead character who keeps warning people of impending doom but no one believes me so what the heck I will just save myself and my family and go somewhere safer!
And remember, in the immortal words of Maureen McGovern:
There's got to be a morning after
If we can hold on through the night
We have a chance to find the sunshine
Let's keep on lookin' for the light
The Day After Tomorrow has opened to
1) What's your favorite disaster movie of all time?
The Perfect Storm
2) Do you prefer a disaster movie with tons of special effects, carnage and general mayhem (i.e. Armageddon) or would you rather see one where the focus is on the people and the event's effects on their lives (i.e. Deep Impact)?
The disaster's effect on the characters in the movie. Actually my sister and I would guess which one would die and even predict how his character will face death.
3) Of all the disaster movies you've seen, which depicts the most realistic portrayal of what might happen in an actual disaster? Which was the most far-fetched?
Twister - there are really tornadoes that powerful. The most preposterous are those with animals attacking people like Bats, Crocodile, Jurassic Park and Godzilla. What is it? A lizard?
Bonus) Which character would you be if you were in a disaster movie - the tough hero, the corrupt businessman who profits from it all, the old lady who runs around and screams "We're doomed!!!", the kid who saves the day, the young guy who buys it in the first five minutes of the disaster, or another stock character?
The lead character who keeps warning people of impending doom but no one believes me so what the heck I will just save myself and my family and go somewhere safer!
And remember, in the immortal words of Maureen McGovern:
There's got to be a morning after
If we can hold on through the night
We have a chance to find the sunshine
Let's keep on lookin' for the light
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Posted at 3:50 AM Thursday
Because I can't sleep I found a new meme to answer. LOL And of course, I humped!
Wednesday Matinee
Welcome to the First Edition!
1. What movie always manages to make you laugh? Amelie
2. What upcoming movie do you most want to see this summer? Shrek 2 and Harry Potter
3. Which actor would make your best husband / wife? Johnny Depp
~Triple Feature Combo Bonus~ What's your favorite movie snack? BBQ Popcorn
Wednesday Mind Hump
Today is also National Rocky Road Day. As a warm up, using the letters R-O-C-K-Y-R-O-A-D reveal some interesting facts about you.
Roast Beef Sandwich Yummy
Online most of the time
Catholic albeit a non practicing
Killer Abs turn me on *winks*
Yellow Roses are my favorite
Ollie is my sister's nickname
Domesticated or a HomeBody
Okay, now that we're all warmed up let's move on to a little Mind Humping fun with "I say ___, you think ___." In response to the following list of words enter the first words, phrase, idea or thought that comes into your ever humpin' mind. Ready? Put on your humping caps.
01. bright::sun
02. twister::board game
03. marshmallow::white
04. bud::flower
05. master::expert
06. blink::eyes
07. sauve::Mr Sauve [local song]
08. bikini::wax OUCH
09. dash::board
10. elementary::basic
Happy Humping!
Because I can't sleep I found a new meme to answer. LOL And of course, I humped!
Wednesday Matinee
Welcome to the First Edition!
1. What movie always manages to make you laugh? Amelie
2. What upcoming movie do you most want to see this summer? Shrek 2 and Harry Potter
3. Which actor would make your best husband / wife? Johnny Depp
~Triple Feature Combo Bonus~ What's your favorite movie snack? BBQ Popcorn
Wednesday Mind Hump
Today is also National Rocky Road Day. As a warm up, using the letters R-O-C-K-Y-R-O-A-D reveal some interesting facts about you.
Roast Beef Sandwich Yummy
Online most of the time
Catholic albeit a non practicing
Killer Abs turn me on *winks*
Yellow Roses are my favorite
Ollie is my sister's nickname
Domesticated or a HomeBody
Okay, now that we're all warmed up let's move on to a little Mind Humping fun with "I say ___, you think ___." In response to the following list of words enter the first words, phrase, idea or thought that comes into your ever humpin' mind. Ready? Put on your humping caps.
01. bright::sun
02. twister::board game
03. marshmallow::white
04. bud::flower
05. master::expert
06. blink::eyes
07. sauve::Mr Sauve [local song]
08. bikini::wax OUCH
09. dash::board
10. elementary::basic
Happy Humping!
Chick Chat
Favorite Reads
1. Fav. Author?: I don't have one, I choose books based on the story.
2. Fav. Book?: Chicken Soup for the Soul
3. Fav. Blog?: Far too many to mention only one
4. Fav. Website?: Rotten Tomatoes - I can spend hours reading movie reviews
5. Fav. Magazine?: Time Magazine
TRIGGER::::: Suddenly the wheels are in motion
And I, I'm ready to sail any ocean
Suddenly I don't need the answers
Cos I, I'm ready to take all my chances with you
This song by Olivia Newton John is the only thing that pops up in my mind.
Wednesday Whatevers
1. What is the lowest grade that you consider acceptable?
75/100 I've always set high standards for myself
2. Does the universe have an end?
I hope not
3. Are you superstitious? Explain
A bit. There is no harm in believing certain superstitions, who knows it just might save your life.
Daily Dirt Music...
1. What genre(s) of music do you like?
I basically listen to various genre except for hard rock, rap and heavy metal.
2. How do you determine if a person has a 'good taste' in music?
Well to each his own, if he likes heavy metal then so be it.
3. Do you base other people's liking in music, upon your own likings?
No I don't, as long as they enjoy music, it's fine with me
4. What is one of the most important things about music to you?
It is universal and reaches across borders. Music can help us convey different types of emotions.
5. Do you believe the media has changed music (ie: showing skin, lyrics, etc)? Why or why not?
Yes the media is very powerful in making or breaking an artist. We live in an age where it is acceptable to use foul language, show sexual activities on music videos. We only have the media to blame for highlighting these type of behaviors all in the name of profit.
Favorite Reads
1. Fav. Author?: I don't have one, I choose books based on the story.
2. Fav. Book?: Chicken Soup for the Soul
3. Fav. Blog?: Far too many to mention only one
4. Fav. Website?: Rotten Tomatoes - I can spend hours reading movie reviews
5. Fav. Magazine?: Time Magazine
TRIGGER::::: Suddenly the wheels are in motion
And I, I'm ready to sail any ocean
Suddenly I don't need the answers
Cos I, I'm ready to take all my chances with you
This song by Olivia Newton John is the only thing that pops up in my mind.
Wednesday Whatevers
1. What is the lowest grade that you consider acceptable?
75/100 I've always set high standards for myself
2. Does the universe have an end?
I hope not
3. Are you superstitious? Explain
A bit. There is no harm in believing certain superstitions, who knows it just might save your life.
Daily Dirt Music...
1. What genre(s) of music do you like?
I basically listen to various genre except for hard rock, rap and heavy metal.
2. How do you determine if a person has a 'good taste' in music?
Well to each his own, if he likes heavy metal then so be it.
3. Do you base other people's liking in music, upon your own likings?
No I don't, as long as they enjoy music, it's fine with me
4. What is one of the most important things about music to you?
It is universal and reaches across borders. Music can help us convey different types of emotions.
5. Do you believe the media has changed music (ie: showing skin, lyrics, etc)? Why or why not?
Yes the media is very powerful in making or breaking an artist. We live in an age where it is acceptable to use foul language, show sexual activities on music videos. We only have the media to blame for highlighting these type of behaviors all in the name of profit.
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
The Tuesday Iffers
Keep On Singin' My Song II
If the theme song you picked were to play, in full, every time you entered a room would you still pick the same song? If not, what would you pick?
I picked Bette Midler's "In My Life". Yes I would still choose the same song. I would never grow tired of hearing it over and over again.
Tuesday Twosome
The first two things you do...
1. When you wake up:
Put on my eyeglasses and switch on my computer
2. When you get out of the shower:
Blow dry my hair and put on my contact lenses if I'm going out of the house
3. When you get to work/school:
I work from home
4. When you get into the car:
Switch on the radio and wear the seatbelt
5. When you get home:
Drink water and check my emails. LOL
Tuesday is ChooseDay
Would you rather:
1. be trapped in a room for an hour with 15 scorpions OR one rabid dog?
15 scorpions I can run around and avoid them. I'm terrified of dogs
2. grow hairy palms OR go blind?
Grow hairy palms and wear gloves to hide them
3. be addicted to alcohol OR gambling?
Gambling because I can always stay away from casinos or places where I would have to bet
4. save an old lady from a flood OR a dog from a fire?
Save the old lady from the flood even if I don't know how to swim. LOL No dogs, please!
TV Tuesday
Marathon TV Watching
1. In the US many stations run "marathons" all day on Monday, many stations have also went to running all weekend marathons of old sitcoms. So question number one is: Did you watch any of the marathons running this year? In part? In whole?
I'm not in the US. But they did show marathons of shows like "6th ft Under", "24", "7th Heaven" here and I didn't watch any of them.
2. Is there a show you'd like to see run an all day marathon? On the flipside is there a show you'd avoid in marathon?
Maybe "24" [season 1] because I never seem to catch it when they show its marathon. I would avoid "Buffy", "Charmed" and "Angel", I'm not into witches, vampires & freaky creatures.
3. Is there a show/movie/program that brings back special memories for you and what is it?
There are certainly alot of them but to mention one - I would have to say "Shrek" because it was the first animated movie I watched in the theaters. Normally, I only catch them on TV.
~Bonus~ What show featuring those who protect your country (fiction or non-fiction) is your favorite?
"NYPD Blue" even though I'm not in New York nor American.
~Bonus #2~ Out of curiosity, what's the longest you've ever watched TV in one stretch?!
3 whole days straight watching CNN's coverage of the 9/11 attacks.
See you next week! Same time! Same channel!!
Ten on Tuesday
Ten Favorite Drinks
1. Diet Coke
2. Mineral Water
3. PepperMint Tea (Marks & Spencer)
4. Mocha Frost (Figaro)
5. Gin and Tonic
6. Strawberry Margaritas
7. Zagu Melon Shake
8. Green Mango Shake
9. Nestle Low Fat Milk
10. Iced Cappucino (Cibo)
Keep On Singin' My Song II
If the theme song you picked were to play, in full, every time you entered a room would you still pick the same song? If not, what would you pick?
I picked Bette Midler's "In My Life". Yes I would still choose the same song. I would never grow tired of hearing it over and over again.
Tuesday Twosome
The first two things you do...
1. When you wake up:
Put on my eyeglasses and switch on my computer
2. When you get out of the shower:
Blow dry my hair and put on my contact lenses if I'm going out of the house
3. When you get to work/school:
I work from home
4. When you get into the car:
Switch on the radio and wear the seatbelt
5. When you get home:
Drink water and check my emails. LOL
Tuesday is ChooseDay
Would you rather:
1. be trapped in a room for an hour with 15 scorpions OR one rabid dog?
15 scorpions I can run around and avoid them. I'm terrified of dogs
2. grow hairy palms OR go blind?
Grow hairy palms and wear gloves to hide them
3. be addicted to alcohol OR gambling?
Gambling because I can always stay away from casinos or places where I would have to bet
4. save an old lady from a flood OR a dog from a fire?
Save the old lady from the flood even if I don't know how to swim. LOL No dogs, please!
TV Tuesday
Marathon TV Watching
1. In the US many stations run "marathons" all day on Monday, many stations have also went to running all weekend marathons of old sitcoms. So question number one is: Did you watch any of the marathons running this year? In part? In whole?
I'm not in the US. But they did show marathons of shows like "6th ft Under", "24", "7th Heaven" here and I didn't watch any of them.
2. Is there a show you'd like to see run an all day marathon? On the flipside is there a show you'd avoid in marathon?
Maybe "24" [season 1] because I never seem to catch it when they show its marathon. I would avoid "Buffy", "Charmed" and "Angel", I'm not into witches, vampires & freaky creatures.
3. Is there a show/movie/program that brings back special memories for you and what is it?
There are certainly alot of them but to mention one - I would have to say "Shrek" because it was the first animated movie I watched in the theaters. Normally, I only catch them on TV.
~Bonus~ What show featuring those who protect your country (fiction or non-fiction) is your favorite?
"NYPD Blue" even though I'm not in New York nor American.
~Bonus #2~ Out of curiosity, what's the longest you've ever watched TV in one stretch?!
3 whole days straight watching CNN's coverage of the 9/11 attacks.
See you next week! Same time! Same channel!!
Ten on Tuesday
Ten Favorite Drinks
1. Diet Coke
2. Mineral Water
3. PepperMint Tea (Marks & Spencer)
4. Mocha Frost (Figaro)
5. Gin and Tonic
6. Strawberry Margaritas
7. Zagu Melon Shake
8. Green Mango Shake
9. Nestle Low Fat Milk
10. Iced Cappucino (Cibo)
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